Monday, April 29, 2013
Today will be known as "Milestone Day." Why is that, you ask? Well, for the first time since January 16, I sat up, got out of bed and saw the sun and did all of that in my new wheelchair. I was told this morning that I could possibly be getting up today, but it may not happen until Wednesday. I couldn't handle not knowing or hearing anything, so I had an afternoon nap. That was until I was woken up at around 3:30 telling me to get dressed and ready because my chair is here and I'm allowed up.
I haven't sat up or gone outside since that date and so to be honest, I was feeling rather nervous about it, but assured I wouldn't be getting out of bed unless the medical staff felt I was ready to do so. I must admit the first five minutes I felt a bit dizzy as a result of being in bed for so long, but after that it was good. I went outside and just sat in the sun and smiled at the world for a few minutes, reminding myself of just how big and beautiful the world is outside of a hospital building. It sounds like a small thing, but when you have been stuck inside a hospital for 104 days, going outside, even for twenty minutes, is a big thing.
I have spent a lot of time lately wondering if this day was going to come at all. I've had a whole bunch of setbacks, but I got here. I felt a bit weak but that was totally expected considering the length of time in bed. It just means I need to get motivated and hit the physio gym really hard to put the muscle back on my body.
The most important thing for me to do now is not get too ahead of myself and make sure I'm still doing everything I'm told. That way, there should not be anymore setbacks and I should make a complete recovery very soon. As excited as I am to have hit a new stage in my recovery process, I do still need to remain mentally focused on the here and now and take it one day at a time. Yes, it is a very positive step, but there is still work to do. I need to be able to tolerate sitting up for hours on end, get out of bed and into my chair smoothly by myself and put more muscle on my body before I can think about going home.
For now, I will just be happy that today went really well, hopefully get some good rest tonight and hope for the best for when I get up again tomorrow!
Monday, 29 April 2013
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Today, I was remimded of the power of simply shutting your mouth. You see, I woke up not feeling too well physically. I felt a cold coming on all day and therefore I was presented with a choice: I could complain to others, or I could just deal with it. I spent the afternoon just trying to get some sleep and now I'm feeling a lot better.
What am I saying? When we are presented with small issues that don't have enough power to change our lives long-term, we can either choose to complain or be thankful. For example: When we are stuck in traffic, we can complain that we have to wait, or be thankful that we can afford the luxury of a car. When you don't like your job, be thankful you have one. Whatever you are dealing with at the moment, there is always going to be someone else who is doing worse off than you. I am not dismissing the fact we all have our limits of what we can bear and there is nothing wrong with admitting you've had enough. How do we get help unless we state that we need it? What I am saying, however, is that if we are presented with something that we know is just a passing problem, it would probably pay to just shut our mouths and let it pass instead of complaining. Also, there is a huge difference between stating your need for help and just complaining for the sake of being annoying.
Whatever is going on in your world right now, whatever kind of day you have had, there will be something to be thankful for. Heck, if nothing else, thank God he gave you one more day to live!
Today, I was remimded of the power of simply shutting your mouth. You see, I woke up not feeling too well physically. I felt a cold coming on all day and therefore I was presented with a choice: I could complain to others, or I could just deal with it. I spent the afternoon just trying to get some sleep and now I'm feeling a lot better.
What am I saying? When we are presented with small issues that don't have enough power to change our lives long-term, we can either choose to complain or be thankful. For example: When we are stuck in traffic, we can complain that we have to wait, or be thankful that we can afford the luxury of a car. When you don't like your job, be thankful you have one. Whatever you are dealing with at the moment, there is always going to be someone else who is doing worse off than you. I am not dismissing the fact we all have our limits of what we can bear and there is nothing wrong with admitting you've had enough. How do we get help unless we state that we need it? What I am saying, however, is that if we are presented with something that we know is just a passing problem, it would probably pay to just shut our mouths and let it pass instead of complaining. Also, there is a huge difference between stating your need for help and just complaining for the sake of being annoying.
Whatever is going on in your world right now, whatever kind of day you have had, there will be something to be thankful for. Heck, if nothing else, thank God he gave you one more day to live!
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Last night, I had the best night's sleep I have had in roughly a week. What did I do differently last night that I failed to do the last few days? I reminded myself of God's huge love for me, that he has tomorrow already taken care of, even though it has not happened as yet. Sometimes I find it scary (not like a scary monster, but because he's that good) to think about just how much God loves us and how powerful he is. I mean, he can change the future before it even gets here. Seriously, no matter what we may find huge and scary, he can take care of in the blink of an eye!
Today I want to make a point about how good technology can be, especially when one is in hospital for a long period of time. If it weren't for technology, I'd be feeling really out of it, but because of the advances of the modern world and the fact I'm blessed to live in Australia, all I need to do is pick up my phone when I need to talk to someone. For example, I sent someone a simple text saying I miss them and as a result, I will be seeing them tonight. If I need to remind myself of how the world is going, I can flick on the news, although sometimes that can make me feel worse, so I do that sparingly.
The best things I'm thankful for in regard to technology is the fact we can record things these days. You see, because of the generosity and quick-thinking of my young adult pastor and another great guy from church, I've been receiving the recorded messages from both church services every week and I can listen to them on my laptop. It's almost as though I'm not missing much at all. It's so good because without it, I'd be struggling to stay on top in regard to my relationship with God.
That said, I do miss not being at church (and youth, of course) and can't wait to get back into it because it isn't the same!
Last night, I had the best night's sleep I have had in roughly a week. What did I do differently last night that I failed to do the last few days? I reminded myself of God's huge love for me, that he has tomorrow already taken care of, even though it has not happened as yet. Sometimes I find it scary (not like a scary monster, but because he's that good) to think about just how much God loves us and how powerful he is. I mean, he can change the future before it even gets here. Seriously, no matter what we may find huge and scary, he can take care of in the blink of an eye!
Today I want to make a point about how good technology can be, especially when one is in hospital for a long period of time. If it weren't for technology, I'd be feeling really out of it, but because of the advances of the modern world and the fact I'm blessed to live in Australia, all I need to do is pick up my phone when I need to talk to someone. For example, I sent someone a simple text saying I miss them and as a result, I will be seeing them tonight. If I need to remind myself of how the world is going, I can flick on the news, although sometimes that can make me feel worse, so I do that sparingly.
The best things I'm thankful for in regard to technology is the fact we can record things these days. You see, because of the generosity and quick-thinking of my young adult pastor and another great guy from church, I've been receiving the recorded messages from both church services every week and I can listen to them on my laptop. It's almost as though I'm not missing much at all. It's so good because without it, I'd be struggling to stay on top in regard to my relationship with God.
That said, I do miss not being at church (and youth, of course) and can't wait to get back into it because it isn't the same!
Friday, 26 April 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
It is often said that this life is a marathon, not a sprint. That's a fair analogy, but I'd like to propose another: This life is a war, not a battle. I thought it would especially fit this week, considering it was Anzac day just yesterday. A day where we pause and reflect on the bravery and determination of soldiers from both Australia and New Zealand over the years. It is not glorifying war, but it's to honour those who fought and have given up their lives for our basic freedoms that we take for granted today.
In a similar fashion, but by no means making light of war, normal life can feel like a war sometimes. We may not have rifles, be in trenches and literally having to save ourselves from certain death scenarios everyday, but life can definitely punch us in the face and make us feel like we have bullets coming. The sad part is, I wonder, how many of those scenarios do we just make up in our own minds that never really eventuate into anything of significance? Take Tuesday night, for example: I had just found out some unhappy news from someone I love and I made a poor choice to let it get to me in a way that made me lose sleep that night. Now, the more wise option would have been to admit my emotions before God and deal with them, then try and sleep. It isn't very often anymore that happens to me either. As I now know, a lot of the thoughts that kept me awake that night were exaggerated by my tired head and weren't real things worth thinking about, especially until silly hours of the morning that are only good for sleeping.
Sometimes, you've just got to tell your brain to shut up because it can lie to us so easily and when we are that tired and vulnerable, we tend to go with it. So, how do we fix this? Well, keeping mentally busy is one way of dealing with it. If you're continually focused on something, you won't have time to think about things, especially to the point of losing sleep.
My mum puts it really well. She would often ask me, "What are you doing right here and right now?" That is a very fair question and one that usually keeps me positive. If we spend too much time on the past or the future, either way it can get us down. Why worry about the past? What has happened has happened and there is nothing we can do, except learn from it and move on. Why worry about the future? It hasn't even happened yet and we have no idea what tomorrow will bring.
Let me encourage you all to keep yourselves mentally busy as much as possible, take life one day at a time and we should win more than we lose in life. Learn from the past, live in the present and plan for the future.
It is often said that this life is a marathon, not a sprint. That's a fair analogy, but I'd like to propose another: This life is a war, not a battle. I thought it would especially fit this week, considering it was Anzac day just yesterday. A day where we pause and reflect on the bravery and determination of soldiers from both Australia and New Zealand over the years. It is not glorifying war, but it's to honour those who fought and have given up their lives for our basic freedoms that we take for granted today.
In a similar fashion, but by no means making light of war, normal life can feel like a war sometimes. We may not have rifles, be in trenches and literally having to save ourselves from certain death scenarios everyday, but life can definitely punch us in the face and make us feel like we have bullets coming. The sad part is, I wonder, how many of those scenarios do we just make up in our own minds that never really eventuate into anything of significance? Take Tuesday night, for example: I had just found out some unhappy news from someone I love and I made a poor choice to let it get to me in a way that made me lose sleep that night. Now, the more wise option would have been to admit my emotions before God and deal with them, then try and sleep. It isn't very often anymore that happens to me either. As I now know, a lot of the thoughts that kept me awake that night were exaggerated by my tired head and weren't real things worth thinking about, especially until silly hours of the morning that are only good for sleeping.
Sometimes, you've just got to tell your brain to shut up because it can lie to us so easily and when we are that tired and vulnerable, we tend to go with it. So, how do we fix this? Well, keeping mentally busy is one way of dealing with it. If you're continually focused on something, you won't have time to think about things, especially to the point of losing sleep.
My mum puts it really well. She would often ask me, "What are you doing right here and right now?" That is a very fair question and one that usually keeps me positive. If we spend too much time on the past or the future, either way it can get us down. Why worry about the past? What has happened has happened and there is nothing we can do, except learn from it and move on. Why worry about the future? It hasn't even happened yet and we have no idea what tomorrow will bring.
Let me encourage you all to keep yourselves mentally busy as much as possible, take life one day at a time and we should win more than we lose in life. Learn from the past, live in the present and plan for the future.
Monday, 22 April 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
First of all, I need to apologize for lack of blog yesterday. Sometimes my joints seize to the point of extreme pain and I literally couldn't move a thing yesterday, so unfortunately was unable to write anything at all.
Some days are just so good, you just have to pinch yourself to remind yourself that this life is real. These days are very rare in real life, and even more rare in hospitals. Today was one of those days for me.
I somehow woke up right on time for my breakfast (I say somehow because I was awake until only God knows what time overthinking something) which consisted of a bacon and egg sandwich and coffee, which is a Monday and Friday usual here. Then, I didn't realize I'd dozed off for a while but I woke up around 9:30ish again to find Robyn was standing there. She had brought me a decent coffee and a bacon and egg pie, so I had two breakfasts today and a visit for the first time in ages from Robyn because she'd been sick and very busy herself.
Only a few minutes after she left, Maria, who is the clinical nurse who has been looking after me since admission, came to see me and today she would be assessing whether I could sit up or not. After looking at me and all my results, she decided I am fine to start sitting up! So, on Wednesday, for the first time in what will be 99 days, I can sit up! Seriously, had my day just ended with that, it still would have made for a great day. However, God had other ideas. I spoke to my best friend and gave her the news and she said it made her day. That got me thinking how crazy it is that God, in his infinite power and wisdom, could use me in this current situation to encourage my best friend today. Seriously, if we are just open and willing, God can and will use you to do his will on this earth, even if you're in a hospital bed!
But wait, there's more... Earlier this evening, I saw my favourite woman with an English accent, MJ, for the first time in AGES! Even though I knew she was coming to see me, I still can't wipe the smile off my face. She's one of those friends in my life who, even if we've not spoken for a period of time, we can pick up where we last spoke as though no time had elapsed at all. That's a rare thing and something I've got with only a small handful of people. We got talking about our lives and what's been happening and before you know it, nearly three hours was gone and she had to go. We talked about anything from the price of clothes to health issues to the craziness that is the miracles of God and everything in between and again, she's one of those rare people who I can do that with.
I am so glad for days like this, where I even found myself today asking if the universe just loves me sometimes. Days like these make the really tough ones a lot easier to deal with because I can think that there are days that are good, even in hospitals.
First of all, I need to apologize for lack of blog yesterday. Sometimes my joints seize to the point of extreme pain and I literally couldn't move a thing yesterday, so unfortunately was unable to write anything at all.
Some days are just so good, you just have to pinch yourself to remind yourself that this life is real. These days are very rare in real life, and even more rare in hospitals. Today was one of those days for me.
I somehow woke up right on time for my breakfast (I say somehow because I was awake until only God knows what time overthinking something) which consisted of a bacon and egg sandwich and coffee, which is a Monday and Friday usual here. Then, I didn't realize I'd dozed off for a while but I woke up around 9:30ish again to find Robyn was standing there. She had brought me a decent coffee and a bacon and egg pie, so I had two breakfasts today and a visit for the first time in ages from Robyn because she'd been sick and very busy herself.
Only a few minutes after she left, Maria, who is the clinical nurse who has been looking after me since admission, came to see me and today she would be assessing whether I could sit up or not. After looking at me and all my results, she decided I am fine to start sitting up! So, on Wednesday, for the first time in what will be 99 days, I can sit up! Seriously, had my day just ended with that, it still would have made for a great day. However, God had other ideas. I spoke to my best friend and gave her the news and she said it made her day. That got me thinking how crazy it is that God, in his infinite power and wisdom, could use me in this current situation to encourage my best friend today. Seriously, if we are just open and willing, God can and will use you to do his will on this earth, even if you're in a hospital bed!
But wait, there's more... Earlier this evening, I saw my favourite woman with an English accent, MJ, for the first time in AGES! Even though I knew she was coming to see me, I still can't wipe the smile off my face. She's one of those friends in my life who, even if we've not spoken for a period of time, we can pick up where we last spoke as though no time had elapsed at all. That's a rare thing and something I've got with only a small handful of people. We got talking about our lives and what's been happening and before you know it, nearly three hours was gone and she had to go. We talked about anything from the price of clothes to health issues to the craziness that is the miracles of God and everything in between and again, she's one of those rare people who I can do that with.
I am so glad for days like this, where I even found myself today asking if the universe just loves me sometimes. Days like these make the really tough ones a lot easier to deal with because I can think that there are days that are good, even in hospitals.
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
We all need a hero. Someone we can look up to in life who has achieved something amazing. Some have superheroes, Hollywood actors, sports stars, musicians and others. I have a few heroes of my own and on days like this, where everything seems to be a bit all over the place and inconsistent, thinking of my heroes can keep me focused on life.
As I write this, I'm watching Iron Man 2 and I must say, he's a bit lame. He has a poor attitude as he's rather arrogant and complains when he doesn't get everything his own way. Now to me, that's not a hero at all. A hero to me is someone who gets it done, no matter the circumstances and doesn't complain in the process. I must say that my personal heroes all fit that description. I'm blessed to know a few of them personally and I must say thinking of them keeps me positive, especially in a situation like being in hospital for an extended period of time.
One of the nurses here has nicknamed me "Kobe", a compliment, after the NBA basketballer, Kobe Bryant of the LA Lakers, the team I support. I am totally fine with this and I found myself today automatically smiling at life whenever I heard this. You see, your words have power. Just a couple of words can keep someone smiling all day, even on a rough day, or they can destroy someone's great day in seconds, so choose and use them wisely.
Let's use our words to build each other up, not to complain about "first-world problems" or tear people down, so that we can overcome and achieve great things together in this life, just like our respective heroes.
We all need a hero. Someone we can look up to in life who has achieved something amazing. Some have superheroes, Hollywood actors, sports stars, musicians and others. I have a few heroes of my own and on days like this, where everything seems to be a bit all over the place and inconsistent, thinking of my heroes can keep me focused on life.
As I write this, I'm watching Iron Man 2 and I must say, he's a bit lame. He has a poor attitude as he's rather arrogant and complains when he doesn't get everything his own way. Now to me, that's not a hero at all. A hero to me is someone who gets it done, no matter the circumstances and doesn't complain in the process. I must say that my personal heroes all fit that description. I'm blessed to know a few of them personally and I must say thinking of them keeps me positive, especially in a situation like being in hospital for an extended period of time.
One of the nurses here has nicknamed me "Kobe", a compliment, after the NBA basketballer, Kobe Bryant of the LA Lakers, the team I support. I am totally fine with this and I found myself today automatically smiling at life whenever I heard this. You see, your words have power. Just a couple of words can keep someone smiling all day, even on a rough day, or they can destroy someone's great day in seconds, so choose and use them wisely.
Let's use our words to build each other up, not to complain about "first-world problems" or tear people down, so that we can overcome and achieve great things together in this life, just like our respective heroes.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Friday, April 19, 2013
Chocolate is amazing, but we all knew that. Unless you can't eat chocolate for whatever reason, then I just feel sorry for you and will start praying for you.
You see, in November 2010, my closest friend Zoe passed away from the effects of cystic fibrosis. A few weeks later, I was clearly still struggling with my emotions and I will never forget what happened next. It was a Sunday morning and I was early to church as I was on ushering. I saw Robyn as she was on the information counter that morning and she simply stopped me, looked me in the eye and asked me what was wrong. I just told her I was missing Zoe, but would be okay. She then asked me if I want her opinion on how to deal with it and my immediate thought was that she'd give me something really deep and profound. Well, it was really profound but not all that deep. I simply needed a dose of chocolate every day. Chocolate contains a natural chemical in it that helps you stay happy and up until that time, I never knew it. I now make it a priority (and a really good excuse) to have at least one piece of chocolate every day.
Today is another one of those days where I'm just missing Zoe more than I usually do. I thought these days were behind me, especially considering she passed away over two years ago now, but I guess when someone is that close to you, you never really get over it as such. You just learn to deal with life and keep going.
She was the one person who absolutely knew what it was like to struggle medically and that formed a good basis for a very close friendship. We got so close that within the space of two text messages she could tell me what was wrong with me. It would freak me out sometimes, but I got to know that's just her.
At Easter of 2009, she gave me a yellow rabbit and so now because she's not here in the flesh, I don't let that out of my sight, especially when I'm not well or in hospital because I know Zoe would be the first one there for me. It's great because it gives me something to hug when I miss her.
On days like this, I'm thankful God gave me someone like Zoe for nearly two years of my life. I can draw upon our friendship for inspiration to keep going because I know she's definitely up in heaven with Jesus, cheering me on right now, except during western derbies.
It's definitely important for everyone to have that one person in your life who just gets it. It's really easy with that person because you don't have to explain much to them at all. You can be yourself around them and don't need to be afraid to hide your emotions.
" ... being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; just as it is right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you are all partakers with me of grace." - Philippians 1:6-7 (NKJV)
Chocolate is amazing, but we all knew that. Unless you can't eat chocolate for whatever reason, then I just feel sorry for you and will start praying for you.
You see, in November 2010, my closest friend Zoe passed away from the effects of cystic fibrosis. A few weeks later, I was clearly still struggling with my emotions and I will never forget what happened next. It was a Sunday morning and I was early to church as I was on ushering. I saw Robyn as she was on the information counter that morning and she simply stopped me, looked me in the eye and asked me what was wrong. I just told her I was missing Zoe, but would be okay. She then asked me if I want her opinion on how to deal with it and my immediate thought was that she'd give me something really deep and profound. Well, it was really profound but not all that deep. I simply needed a dose of chocolate every day. Chocolate contains a natural chemical in it that helps you stay happy and up until that time, I never knew it. I now make it a priority (and a really good excuse) to have at least one piece of chocolate every day.
Today is another one of those days where I'm just missing Zoe more than I usually do. I thought these days were behind me, especially considering she passed away over two years ago now, but I guess when someone is that close to you, you never really get over it as such. You just learn to deal with life and keep going.
She was the one person who absolutely knew what it was like to struggle medically and that formed a good basis for a very close friendship. We got so close that within the space of two text messages she could tell me what was wrong with me. It would freak me out sometimes, but I got to know that's just her.
At Easter of 2009, she gave me a yellow rabbit and so now because she's not here in the flesh, I don't let that out of my sight, especially when I'm not well or in hospital because I know Zoe would be the first one there for me. It's great because it gives me something to hug when I miss her.
On days like this, I'm thankful God gave me someone like Zoe for nearly two years of my life. I can draw upon our friendship for inspiration to keep going because I know she's definitely up in heaven with Jesus, cheering me on right now, except during western derbies.
It's definitely important for everyone to have that one person in your life who just gets it. It's really easy with that person because you don't have to explain much to them at all. You can be yourself around them and don't need to be afraid to hide your emotions.
" ... being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; just as it is right for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart, inasmuch as both in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you are all partakers with me of grace." - Philippians 1:6-7 (NKJV)
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Today has the potential to be anything. It could be great or it could be terrible. It could rain, it might not. People will die, people will be born. Good and bad things are happening all of the time and it's up to us to find the good things in among the bad things that are happening all around us.
Not much is happening to me at all today and sometimes that can lead to a bad day mentally because if my mind isn't kept busy, I do find it can wander into negativity and depressing thoughts rather quickly. Therefore I made the decision this morning I was going to spend today being as productive as one can while they are stuck in bed. I put on my iPod, found Switchfoot and pressed play. I then reached for a book called "Undaunted" by Christine Caine. It's a book about her own personal story of disappointments and heartache.
See, we've all been through various situations that are disappointing and we have a choice: we can either let them dictate how we are going to react and let it win, or, you can "lift yourself up off the floor", as Switchfoot say in their song, "Dare You To Move." The problem isn't often our choice, but how we react to the problem is 100% our choice.
Listening to Switchfoot, drinking a coffee and reading a book with the company of a soft toy (yes, I'm a grown man who still hugs soft toys) is usually what I do on blood test days because blood tests absolutely freak me out, but today I realized something: I think I just do this as a good way to relax from the pressures of the real world, not just pre-blood tests. It's important for us all, no matter how busy we think we are, to find whatever it is that re-energizes us and take the time to do it. For me, it's listening to Switchfoot and reading a book. For some, it's going for a run, drawing, writing, watching a movie, sleeping. Whatever it is, find the time and do it because if you don't, you won't have the physical or emotional energy to fulfill your entire God-given potential that he has placed inside each and every one of us.
To end, a quote from one of the most inspiring people I have ever known: "Hey, are you surviving or thriving?" - Zoe Johnston :)
Today has the potential to be anything. It could be great or it could be terrible. It could rain, it might not. People will die, people will be born. Good and bad things are happening all of the time and it's up to us to find the good things in among the bad things that are happening all around us.
Not much is happening to me at all today and sometimes that can lead to a bad day mentally because if my mind isn't kept busy, I do find it can wander into negativity and depressing thoughts rather quickly. Therefore I made the decision this morning I was going to spend today being as productive as one can while they are stuck in bed. I put on my iPod, found Switchfoot and pressed play. I then reached for a book called "Undaunted" by Christine Caine. It's a book about her own personal story of disappointments and heartache.
See, we've all been through various situations that are disappointing and we have a choice: we can either let them dictate how we are going to react and let it win, or, you can "lift yourself up off the floor", as Switchfoot say in their song, "Dare You To Move." The problem isn't often our choice, but how we react to the problem is 100% our choice.
Listening to Switchfoot, drinking a coffee and reading a book with the company of a soft toy (yes, I'm a grown man who still hugs soft toys) is usually what I do on blood test days because blood tests absolutely freak me out, but today I realized something: I think I just do this as a good way to relax from the pressures of the real world, not just pre-blood tests. It's important for us all, no matter how busy we think we are, to find whatever it is that re-energizes us and take the time to do it. For me, it's listening to Switchfoot and reading a book. For some, it's going for a run, drawing, writing, watching a movie, sleeping. Whatever it is, find the time and do it because if you don't, you won't have the physical or emotional energy to fulfill your entire God-given potential that he has placed inside each and every one of us.
To end, a quote from one of the most inspiring people I have ever known: "Hey, are you surviving or thriving?" - Zoe Johnston :)
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
First of all I'd like to apologize for the lack of blogs the last few days. I've had no internet data so I haven't been able to post anything and also, the last couple of days have been fairly busy with physios and doctors and I've also been fairly tired.
There is one thing I'd like to make mention of today. The tragedy that happened in Boston yesterday was absolutely horrible and crazy. I don't understand how something like that can overtake social media and even news bulletins worldwide, yet there are terror attacks all over the world everyday and you don't hear about them much at all. Have we become desensitized to the cruelty in the middle east that we just don't care anymore and we would even consider it normal? I think we need to break out of that apathetic mood and start caring about these countries.
I used to live next door to a family of people who migrated over from Iraq simply to escape the war and find a better life. They were some of the nicest people I've ever known and they genuinely wanted to get out of there. Hate to say but I know they were racially targeted on more than one occasion by people and it's totally rude. Who are we to judge why someone would want to live here or say whether they can or can't? Have we really become that racist?
Also, if nothing else, it awakened my eyes and reminded me, especially considering I'm in hospital at the moment, that there is a huge world out there dealing with much bigger issues than myself. There are people doing it a lot tougher than I am right now. It was good to get some perspective on my personal situation out of all of it.
I read something on Facebook yesterday that got my attention: We don't need to find a solution to our problems, but we need to find a perspective to our problems. It's all about how you see your issue that will help you deal with it best.
First of all I'd like to apologize for the lack of blogs the last few days. I've had no internet data so I haven't been able to post anything and also, the last couple of days have been fairly busy with physios and doctors and I've also been fairly tired.
There is one thing I'd like to make mention of today. The tragedy that happened in Boston yesterday was absolutely horrible and crazy. I don't understand how something like that can overtake social media and even news bulletins worldwide, yet there are terror attacks all over the world everyday and you don't hear about them much at all. Have we become desensitized to the cruelty in the middle east that we just don't care anymore and we would even consider it normal? I think we need to break out of that apathetic mood and start caring about these countries.
I used to live next door to a family of people who migrated over from Iraq simply to escape the war and find a better life. They were some of the nicest people I've ever known and they genuinely wanted to get out of there. Hate to say but I know they were racially targeted on more than one occasion by people and it's totally rude. Who are we to judge why someone would want to live here or say whether they can or can't? Have we really become that racist?
Also, if nothing else, it awakened my eyes and reminded me, especially considering I'm in hospital at the moment, that there is a huge world out there dealing with much bigger issues than myself. There are people doing it a lot tougher than I am right now. It was good to get some perspective on my personal situation out of all of it.
I read something on Facebook yesterday that got my attention: We don't need to find a solution to our problems, but we need to find a perspective to our problems. It's all about how you see your issue that will help you deal with it best.
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Some days, I just don't feel like it. Today is one of those days. I woke up with a cranking headache and as I tried to eat some lunch, it just made me feel sick.
So, how do you get up from this? Well, first thing I did this morning was reach for my phone and iPod and have some Jesus time. You see, it often says in the Psalms that David encouraged himself and in a place like hospital, one has to learn to encourage themselves. As great as my friends and family are, there will be times when they are simply unavailable because that's just life, so if I can just learn to pick myself up when I wake up feeling less than great, I know I will be okay.
Also, there are some days where my body just wants to stop and rest and I think today is one of those days. On the bright side, being Saturday, I won't be getting too much done because in medical facilities, you do notice the difference on weekends. As opposed to weekdays, on a weekend, there are no physiotherapists, occupational therapists, doctors, blood tests and even nursing care is a bit more relaxed.
On another issue, I was watching the Eagles v Demons game just now and I want to make a point about attitude. In the first two weeks, Melbourne were shocking and were copping it from everyone in the media. They had a choice today. They made a good decision to come out and compete today and for the first half, they applied themselves and at one stage, found themselves in front of the West Coast Eagles. It's a point about arrogance because when the Eagles came out, they walked through their banner with no enthusiasm whatsoever and it looked like they just expected to have the game handed to them. Melbourne had other ideas and simply put in a higher effort at the contest. It just goes to show that no matter who you are, if you put in effort, in any area of life, you just never know what could happen.
Don't ever give up, no matter what you're facing and don't get complacent either! Put in 100% effort into everything in life and you will win more than you lose.
So, how do you get up from this? Well, first thing I did this morning was reach for my phone and iPod and have some Jesus time. You see, it often says in the Psalms that David encouraged himself and in a place like hospital, one has to learn to encourage themselves. As great as my friends and family are, there will be times when they are simply unavailable because that's just life, so if I can just learn to pick myself up when I wake up feeling less than great, I know I will be okay.
Also, there are some days where my body just wants to stop and rest and I think today is one of those days. On the bright side, being Saturday, I won't be getting too much done because in medical facilities, you do notice the difference on weekends. As opposed to weekdays, on a weekend, there are no physiotherapists, occupational therapists, doctors, blood tests and even nursing care is a bit more relaxed.
On another issue, I was watching the Eagles v Demons game just now and I want to make a point about attitude. In the first two weeks, Melbourne were shocking and were copping it from everyone in the media. They had a choice today. They made a good decision to come out and compete today and for the first half, they applied themselves and at one stage, found themselves in front of the West Coast Eagles. It's a point about arrogance because when the Eagles came out, they walked through their banner with no enthusiasm whatsoever and it looked like they just expected to have the game handed to them. Melbourne had other ideas and simply put in a higher effort at the contest. It just goes to show that no matter who you are, if you put in effort, in any area of life, you just never know what could happen.
Don't ever give up, no matter what you're facing and don't get complacent either! Put in 100% effort into everything in life and you will win more than you lose.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Friday April 12, 2013
I’ve been encouraged by my senior pastor, Geoff Woodward,
to write a blog. Well, I journal and write things there when things are on my
mind, but I often prefer to keep things to myself in that way. However, he made
an interesting point that it’s not just about me, but about helping others to
get something out of your experiences as well.
As a result, I’m going to start writing a daily blog. Today
has been a pretty good day. I woke up to the sight and smell of a bacon and egg
sandwich for breakfast and a good coffee, which has become a Friday regular
thing in this place. I think it’s just a small way to make the place feel a bit
less mundane and give a bit more excitement to our lives as medical patients,
especially considering some people in here can be very long-term, some even
live here on a permanent basis. Shortly after breakfast, I got a text from a
close friend saying she was just thinking of me and that made me smile.
I got another text a few minutes later from my youth pastor,
Chris, saying he and my senior pastor, Geoff, want to come and visit. It was
during this visit this morning that Geoff mentioned I should write a blog to
encourage others, so that’s what I’m doing here. Sidenote: Chris, Geoff and I
are all left-handed and the greatness of left-handed people came up in
Tonight I must admit I’m a bit torn for choice as the Perth
Wildcats, Brisbane Broncos and Fremantle Dockers are all playing at roughly the
same time. It’s a hard life, I know. I guess I will have the luxury of being
able to flick through between all of them. I’m really looking forward to
watching the basketball mostly because it’s the NBL grand final and I remember
as a kid having the opportunity to meet James Crawford, Andrew Vlahov and Ricky
Grace and the encouragement that gave to myself.
As great as it will be tonight to be able to watch some of
my favourite sports, and all at the same time as well, I must admit I would
much rather be doing what I would normally be doing if I was at home and that
is attending Metro Youth. I’ve been a part of that youth ministry now for four
years and a leader for about two years and I would not trade it for the world.
When young people ask me what I want to do with my life, I simply tell them I’m
studying Youth Work at university so I can learn how to do this for a
Anyway, my lunch is about to come, so I must leave it there
for now and bid you all a good day full of awesomeness.
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