Sunday 28 April 2013


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Today, I was remimded of the power of simply shutting your mouth. You see, I woke up not feeling too well physically. I felt a cold coming on all day and therefore I was presented with a choice: I could complain to others, or I could just deal with it. I spent the afternoon just trying to get some sleep and now I'm feeling a lot better.

What am I saying? When we are presented with small issues that don't have enough power to change our lives long-term, we can either choose to complain or be thankful. For example: When we are stuck in traffic, we can complain that we have to wait, or be thankful that we can afford the luxury of a car. When you don't like your job, be thankful you have one. Whatever you are dealing with at the moment, there is always going to be someone else who is doing worse off than you. I am not dismissing the fact we all have our limits of what we can bear and there is nothing wrong with admitting you've had enough. How do we get help unless we state that we need it? What I am saying, however, is that if we are presented with something that we know is just a passing problem, it would probably pay to just shut our mouths and let it pass instead of complaining. Also, there is a huge difference between stating your need for help and just complaining for the sake of being annoying.

Whatever is going on in your world right now, whatever kind of day you have had, there will be something to be thankful for. Heck, if nothing else, thank God he gave you one more day to live!

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