Monday 29 April 2013


Monday, April 29, 2013

Today will be known as "Milestone Day." Why is that, you ask? Well, for the first time since January 16, I sat up, got out of bed and saw the sun and did all of that in my new wheelchair. I was told this morning that I could possibly be getting up today, but it may not happen until Wednesday. I couldn't handle not knowing or hearing anything, so I had an afternoon nap. That was until I was woken up at around 3:30 telling me to get dressed and ready because my chair is here and I'm allowed up.

I haven't sat up or gone outside since that date and so to be honest, I was feeling rather nervous about it, but assured I wouldn't be getting out of bed unless the medical staff felt I was ready to do so. I must admit the first five minutes I felt a bit dizzy as a result of being in bed for so long, but after that it was good. I went outside and just sat in the sun and smiled at the world for a few minutes, reminding myself of just how big and beautiful the world is outside of a hospital building. It sounds like a small thing, but when you have been stuck inside a hospital for 104 days, going outside, even for twenty minutes, is a big thing.

I have spent a lot of time lately wondering if this day was going to come at all. I've had a whole bunch of setbacks, but I got here. I felt a bit weak but that was totally expected considering the length of time in bed. It just means I need to get motivated and hit the physio gym really hard to put the muscle back on my body.

The most important thing for me to do now is not get too ahead of myself and make sure I'm still doing everything I'm told. That way, there should not be anymore setbacks and I should make a complete recovery very soon. As excited as I am to have hit a new stage in my recovery process, I do still need to remain mentally focused on the here and now and take it one day at a time. Yes, it is a very positive step, but there is still work to do. I need to be able to tolerate sitting up for hours on end, get out of bed and into my chair smoothly by myself and put more muscle on my body before I can think about going home.

For now, I will just be happy that today went really well, hopefully get some good rest tonight and hope for the best for when I get up again tomorrow!

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