Tuesday 16 April 2013


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

First of all I'd like to apologize for the lack of blogs the last few days. I've had no internet data so I haven't been able to post anything and also, the last couple of days have been fairly busy with physios and doctors and I've also been fairly tired.

There is one thing I'd like to make mention of today. The tragedy that happened in Boston yesterday was absolutely horrible and crazy. I don't understand how something like that can overtake social media and even news bulletins worldwide, yet there are terror attacks all over the world everyday and you don't hear about them much at all. Have we become desensitized to the cruelty in the middle east that we just don't care anymore and we would even consider it normal? I think we need to break out of that apathetic mood and start caring about these countries.

I used to live next door to a family of people who migrated over from Iraq simply to escape the war and find a better life. They were some of the nicest people I've ever known and they genuinely wanted to get out of there. Hate to say but I know they were racially targeted on more than one occasion by people and it's totally rude. Who are we to judge why someone would want to live here or say whether they can or can't? Have we really become that racist?

Also, if nothing else, it awakened my eyes and reminded me, especially considering I'm in hospital at the moment, that there is a huge world out there dealing with much bigger issues than myself. There are people doing it a lot tougher than I am right now. It was good to get some perspective on my personal situation out of all of it.

I read something on Facebook yesterday that got my attention: We don't need to find a solution to our problems, but we need to find a perspective to our problems. It's all about how you see your issue that will help you deal with it best.

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