Monday 22 April 2013


Monday, April 22, 2013

First of all, I need to apologize for lack of blog yesterday. Sometimes my joints seize to the point of extreme pain and I literally couldn't move a thing yesterday, so unfortunately was unable to write anything at all.

Some days are just so good, you just have to pinch yourself to remind yourself that this life is real. These days are very rare in real life, and even more rare in hospitals. Today was one of those days for me.

I somehow woke up right on time for my breakfast (I say somehow because I was awake until only God knows what time overthinking something) which consisted of a bacon and egg sandwich and coffee, which is a Monday and Friday usual here. Then, I didn't realize I'd dozed off for a while but I woke up around 9:30ish again to find Robyn was standing there. She had brought me a decent coffee and a bacon and egg pie, so I had two breakfasts today and a visit for the first time in ages from Robyn because she'd been sick and very busy herself.

Only a few minutes after she left, Maria, who is the clinical nurse who has been looking after me since admission, came to see me and today she would be assessing whether I could sit up or not. After looking at me and all my results, she decided I am fine to start sitting up! So, on Wednesday, for the first time in what will be 99 days, I can sit up! Seriously, had my day just ended with that, it still would have made for a great day. However, God had other ideas. I spoke to my best friend and gave her the news and she said it made her day. That got me thinking how crazy it is that God, in his infinite power and wisdom, could use me in this current situation to encourage my best friend today. Seriously, if we are just open and willing, God can and will use you to do his will on this earth, even if you're in a hospital bed!

But wait, there's more... Earlier this evening, I saw my favourite woman with an English accent, MJ, for the first time in AGES! Even though I knew she was coming to see me, I still can't wipe the smile off my face. She's one of those friends in my life who, even if we've not spoken for a period of time, we can pick up where we last spoke as though no time had elapsed at all. That's a rare thing and something I've got with only a small handful of people. We got talking about our lives and what's been happening and before you know it, nearly three hours was gone and she had to go. We talked about anything from the price of clothes to health issues to the craziness that is the miracles of God and everything in between and again, she's one of those rare people who I can do that with.

I am so glad for days like this, where I even found myself today asking if the universe just loves me sometimes. Days like these make the really tough ones a lot easier to deal with because I can think that there are days that are good, even in hospitals.

1 comment:

  1. This blog post made me smile ;)
    Get better Pezzinator!!
