Wednesday 1 May 2013


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Yesterday I reached 27 years of age. If you had of told me even five years ago I'd live this long, I would have laughed at you and given you a wierd look in disbelief. I have been saved from death more times than I care to count anymore (I just know it's more than 20). Also, it was the first time in my life that I have had to spend my birthday inside a hospital as an in-patient. Now, when you consider all my medical issues, that's not a bad effort. I've spent every other major date in hospital at least once in my life, but always managed to spend my birthday at home, except this year. The bright side is at least I wasn't feeling too sick.

The day started with a headache and a stuffy nose, like a cold was trying to come. I simply told my body that it is bad enough I'm in a hospital on my birthday, let alone feeling sick and I just was not going to allow that to happen. I spent the morning just lying in bed resting, listening to Switchfoot and drinking coffee and trying to ignore my body trying to tell me it is feeling sick.

Lunch time came around and from then, I started feeling a lot better. I think I just needed some soup (I had some with my lunch) and that seemed to do the trick. Then after lunch, I had a couple of staff members come in with ice-cream cake (chocolate flavour, of course) from the hospital, so I had some of that. Then not long after, I heard a male voice from outside my room singing happy birthday, but couldn't quite put my finger on who it was, but then noticed it was my friend Simon, as well as Yvonne, her daughter and Christine. Yvonne made the most epic cake ever: it was a coffee and chocolate flavoured cake with peanut M&M's on top and a Kit-Kat border. If you want proof of such epic cake, I still have some in the fridge here.

Not long after they left, Robyn and Rosemary both came in to see me and then Kurt came in and he also decided to bring me cake and sing happy birthday. After he left, my aunt came in and she gave me the most epic chocolate bowl thing from Chockeby Road (an epic chocolate shop in Subiaco). I'm not usually a selfish person, but I am not sharing that one.

After that, I got some time to rest again but later in the evening, Mum, two of my sisters and my youngest niece came in. They also brought me chocolate cake (that's four in one day) and my sisters had made me home-cooked roast beef with all the vegies. I wasn't feeling too hungry as I had feasted on cake and junk all day, but I found room for it.

Then of course, there was the phone that didn't stop all day and just before midnight, I checked Facebook and that took a while, not that I mind at all. In fact, I will say it was a good birthday because I wasn't sure what it would be like, being in hospital and all. However, people still showed they care a lot and that's really cool.

So, to those who made a special effort to come in yesterday, to those who sent messages, called and sent messages on Facebook, thanks for all the love! Here's to another year of living! :)

1 comment:

  1. If you're not fat - like, fatty boomboom - when you get out of hospital...
