Sunday 2 June 2013


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Today will be a quick one because to be honest, I don't feel like doing this. I just want to go to sleep, or at least try it for a while before I get harrassed a million times tonight.

It has not been a good day for me today because as I said yesterday, I was not feeling well and today I seem to have become worse. My headache hasn't been as bad, but I am rather lethargic, nautious and just generally feeling like crap.

Just before lunch, Aunty Coral came in with a decent coffee and some of her own baking (which was good, by the way) and I managed to drink that okay. Lunch came and even though it was a nice roast, I only ate about half of it before I felt sick again and then went back to sleep until about 1:30.

It hasn't been all bad today though because I still managed to get up out of bed (though it was only once for two hours and forty five minutes, instead of twice for that amount of time) and I spent some time outside to get some fresh air and that did help me a bit, or so at least I thought. I then went back inside to grab a jumper because the air was a bit cold and when I went back outside, I felt sick again and couldn't stop myself vomiting the little amount of lunch I'd tried. I didn't even bother with dinner tonight because it didn't even look good and I didn't feel like risking it. 

Also today I did hear from Kathy, which made me smile, even though it was only a few brief messages. Just knowing that someone genuinely cares when you're not well is a great thing, especially when it's unexpected. Today I realized something about myself: no matter how I am feeling physically, hearing from my best friend and watching an Adam Sandler movie (Anger Management) will always make me smile and feel better, at least emotionally. 

Well that is enough for today because as I said at the top, I am tired and not feeling the best. 

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