Monday 3 June 2013


Monday, June 3, 2013

Today I must acknowledge that it is WA day and that I am definitely a proud West Australian. Sure, while Mum was pregnant with me, she trekked it to Melbourne but fortunately for me I was born over here in Western Australia. I was born in King Edward Memorial Hospital, to be precise. Anyway, I'm not going into detail about the time I was born because, to quote a common meme: Ain't nobody got time for that. Being West Australian means I was born and raised to hate Essendon, Carlton and Collingwood and I can honestly say I still do hate them with a passion. I was also taught that just because we come from a relatively small city to not let the arrogant snobs from the east pick on us, just because they think they have things bigger and better than we do in Perth. I'm not saying all of you in the east are arrogant snobs, but some definitely can be.

Anywho, onto my day. It's been much better than yesterday simply because I was actually left alone last night and managed to get some sleep. I got about twelve hours rest and so I woke up feeling nowhere near as sick as I have been over the weekend. I've kept all my food down and I did get up twice, for two and three quarter hours each time. Tomorrow I get up twice for three hours each, totalling six hours. I must admit I'm grateful it was a public holiday here today because even though I am feeling better, I'm still feeling a bit flat after being a bit sick. It was nice to have one more day to make sure I'm good before tomorrow having to attend OT and physio. First time getting up this morning I managed to get outside to find it a really nice day but unfortunately there were some people smoking near where I usually like to go and so I had to go somewhere else. The second choice had bees all around it and I am allergic, so I had to find another spot. I found another spot and it was fine, although not as nice, but still good. There was a funny moment when a couple of guys asked me if I'd like to join them while they go into the bush to get high and forget their pain for a while. I told them I'm already high on the most high and I've got a better pain solution and his name is Jesus. They then really did look at me as though I was high on something.

The second time I got up, I watched the Eagles game and did not enjoy it at all. I thought, especially over here and on WA day that they would put in a good performance, but their effort was absolutely terrible and consequently, they lost and rather badly too. Although, I recently saw the score in the NRL and I should not be laughing too hard because the Broncos got smacked by the Warriors tonight. Well, Nathan has told me that they are traditionally poor around origin time and I guess if I had to take one, I'd rather Queensland win origin and Brisbane lose a couple of games. Although it should not be an excuse, it has proven to be true over the last few years.

Before I finish for today, I'd like to publicly honour one of the staff members here, Zoe. Not only does she have an amazing name, but tonight she was looking after me and at 6:30, I needed her help with something. She was on her dinner break and meant to be until 7:00. She got up without a fuss, attended to me and made sure I had everything I needed. She even went the extra mile and because I missed supper as I was busy at the time, she went and made me a fresh coffee. She sacrificed her dinner for me and did it all with a smile and no complaining whatsoever. Now that is nothing short of fantastic!

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