Monday 10 June 2013


Monday, June 10, 2013

Most people, none of my friends of course, automatically hate on Mondays simply because it's the start of the working week. Seriously, that's such a lame, negative attitude to have and it means your day is going to suck, just because it's a Monday. Really? At least let something happen before you decide how your day is going to turn out. Well, you know what? I like Monday because it's the start of a new week and especially when you're in hospital, it presents new challenges and more action. Being a Monday, I woke to the sight of coffee and a bacon and egg sandwich. Seriously, I could get used to waking to that, even if it is only Monday and Friday.

Not long after that, I saw Maria, the clinical nurse who's been looking after me since admission. She is very happy with my progress at the moment and even mentioned one word I don't like mentioning until it's 100% certain: discharge. She even gave me a date and I have deliberately not told anyone yet because as has happened many times during my life, I can get a discharge date and everything looking great to go home, only for them to find something really pedantic and change their minds at the last second. Therefore I'm not telling anyone, except Mum, until I am actually in Mum's car and heading down the road. Just know that it is very soon!

I tried to keep a lid on it, but if you know me well, you'll know I found that rather difficult and consequently I have been smiling like an idiot all day. I even had people try and whine to me about pointless things again and I think it just went way over my head. Even my physio who is usually grumpy and telling me that my effort isn't upto standard was happy with me today, which is probably why I'm a bit tired and sore now. Also, on that, I did weigh myself and now I'm at 40.3 kilograms. It doesn't sound like much, but when you consider in January I was down to 34.6 and I have crazy fast metabolism and couldn't eat for two weeks as I had life-saving surgery next to my brain, that's not bad at all, so even my dietician is happy.

It was a pretty busy day today but I still managed to have a decent shower as well as a decent breakfast. I had my lunch and was all by myself today because nobody else was getting out of bed for one reason or another, but I just accepted the serenity. I was then presented with a choice to either watch the Queen's birthday clash between the bogans and losers, Collingwood and Melbourne, or go outside. Not a hard choice, really, especially when the sun was nice like it was today. I noticed while I was outside, there has been one purple orchid growing nicely and today, it had three flowers coming out of the plant! That's just nuts and I promise by the end of the week, I will take a photo and put it on Facebook and Instagram. After I'd psyched myself up and made eye contact with Peter, my physio, in the hall, I was reminded to go to the gym and so I went. I was relieved to notice Peter himself wasn't in the gym today and there was another guy. I forget his name right now but he's a really decent guy to work with and also very encouraging and made me feel like I put in a decent effort this afternoon, so not even a hard slog in physio could steal my joy today. It only increased it more.

Dinner again was a fairly standard dinner for here. It wasn't terrible, but nothing to write about, so I won't much. It was a basic shepherd's pie with not much taste and it just made me happy to be going home to Mum who can make pretty good food, such as shepherd's pie. I also watched Top Gear tonight as is my Monday night custom and must admit to getting my Aussie bogan on and fist-pumping my television when I noticed Brian Johnson, the front man of ACDC was the star in the reasonably priced car tonight. Seriously, who doesn't love a legend like that? And on that bombshell, ladies and gentlemen it's time to end, goodnight.

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