Wednesday 5 June 2013


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

For the most part, I am going to forget today ever happened. Sure, there was decent sleep because as I mentioned yesterday, I didn't need two hourly turns at night for the first time, which meant a peaceful rest and I also had the heater on so I wasn't cold either. I woke up feeling pretty good to the sound of my phone message tone and was pleasantly surprised to see it was Kathy. It was cool because even though it was just text messages, we talked a bit and I even got given a monkey! Take that, Justin Bieber! (Disclaimer: That will be the last time I ever mention that name on this blog).

The only negative about hearing from your best friend early is that was the high point of my day. It was terrible from then onwards. Not long after, I got out of bed and the nurse that was helping me get ready was one of those people who I would question whether they actually have their degree or not. He didn't even know the most simple of things that even the student knew. I knew I was going to be in for a long day! I managed to get outside and forget the world for a few minutes in the sun, so I felt a bit better, only for my mood to come crashing a few minutes later. It was time to see the doctors and they have this stupid habit of giving a positive comment, followed by a very negative one. Today they said I'm going really well and they are happy with things, but I am not quite ready and won't be going home next week, which was originally expected. Now I have no idea as to when I am going home and I don't even know exactly what it is that is stopping me because I feel pretty healthy and am doing everything for myself again. It's really frustrating but I guess it is good to have doctors that are thorough and don't let me go until they are certain I am going to be fine when I do go home.

I wasn't too hungry and so didn't eat much lunch, even though it was roast chicken which is usually one of my favourites. I went up to the physio gym, only to notice nobody was there at the time and so I just went back to bed because the weather was starting to look crappy, so being outside wasn't going to be fun for much longer. At around half two I got up again and headed straight for the physio gym. I put in a good effort and did everything that was asked of me, but apparently it wasn't good enough and so I need to go everyday now instead of every second day. Way to make a guy feel better about himself! I had dinner and it seemed again I had a sign on my head asking everyone to whine to me, so I retreated to my room early, even though I was allowed up for another half hour.

Now of course tonight I watched the rugby state of origin game, but because I promised a couple of people, I won't be giving much away here about the game. I'm just going to say it was a good way to forget about my day and my issues for a couple of hours. Hopefully I'm out for game two and so I can watch it with some Queensland-supporting friends instead of all by myself.

The last strange thing to happen today happened around an hour ago. I got a random text from mum basically saying, "You 27, why you no have kids yet?" My honest reply: "Aside from only a few women, whom I can count on one hand, women have cooties." So, ladies and gentlemen, that is why I am single and not making babies anytime soon. Cooties. That is all.

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