Friday 28 June 2013


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Yesterday, I read something on Facebook and it totally hurt my heart. To be honest, it robbed me of sleep last night and it still hurts me now. A good friend of mine, MJ, who doesn't have cooties, is leaving to go back to England tomorrow and I must admit it totally sucks. Seriously, I'm not liking the country of England right now! I didn't cry last night, but am struggling with it today. Also, my best friend Kathy is on her way there very soon as well and that will not be fun saying bye to her. Not to mention my friend Drew left to live in London a couple of years ago as well and he's like a big brother to me. Seriously, England, you suck! :(

It would be okay if I was healthy enough to fly that far, but the fact is I'm just not. Sure, I've never been one to take every word of advice of my doctor, but sometimes I just know my body and I know I don't have the physical strength to go halfway around the world. Well, the bright news is MJ did say she'd be back soon. How soon is soon, though? I've got no idea. I guess I've just got to be thankful for technology such as Skype, Facebook and e-mail. As good as that is, it's not the same at all.

Therefore today I haven't got out of bed (also because last night was a crazy awesome night at youth that took it out of me physically) and it's 1:38 pm already and I've no intention to get up any time soon either. I will probably get up around 5:00 to get some food, a drink and watch the Dockers game that starts at 5:30, but I might not either because I really am that tired today, physically and emotionally.

Well, last night really was amazeballs. Yes, amazeballs is a word. We had a band from south of Perth come and lead worship for us and it was great. The presence of God last night was so thick, it was crazy! People were getting touched all across the room. Then, MJ and I shared our personal life stories and straight after I was finished, it was as if heaven just turned a tap on. Seriously, people were getting flooded with God's goodness right away and then, Hayden, our young adult pastor, got up and shared something for a few minutes and then it was like God wanted to give out even more. It made for a very long, but rewarding night. It's nights like those that make me sit back and thank God that he didn't give up on me and he gave me a heart for youth. Seriously, as I said last night, I don't want to see any youth have to deal with what I've dealt with and I need to make sure they know there's a real God who loves them the way they are. That's why I'm a youth leader and why I'm studying a Social Science degree, with a major in Youth Work at university. And on that bombshell, that's me done for today.

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