Sunday 9 June 2013


Sunday, June 9, 2013

If it were physically possible, today punched yesterday in it's scrawny little face and for anyone who is remotely interested in state of origin, it did a lot better job than Paul Gallen did on Nate Myles on Wednesday and without even trying at all.

It was a very slow start to the day but according to Zoe, who was looking after me this morning, she felt a bit slow herself today anyway and it was a very mutual feeling around the place for everyone today. Immediately, the song "Lazy Sunday" by The Lonely Island just happened to pop into my head. It's not a bad thing to have a morning like that on a Sunday because nothing happens around here on weekends anyway. I was awake, washed and out of bed anyway by 11 so all good. Oh, I must state here that although I was still feeling a bit unwell, I was better than last night and thought that with some good food and fresh air, I will be okay and that proved to be true today.

Zoe told me it was cold outside and for her standards, considering she's from Ireland, that means it's really cold and she was definitely right today. However, it was okay because there is a slight undercover bit out the front and so I sat there watching the rain on the rosebush, getting some fresh air and listening to the tunes of Matt Corby. I don't usually like the rain because I'm normally trying to get somewhere in it, but today I must admit it was really nice.

My aunt then came in around lunch time and did some procrasti-visiting. She is studying a masters degree and has a 6, 000 word essay to do, which sounds like pure evil. Anyway, she came in with a coffee and chocolate muffin thing like an absolute life saver and ended up staying for around an hour. She told me that she just didn't want to do it and didn't feel up to it today and I could tell that she was just putting it off, but I am not one to tell her not to do that because to be fair, I'd have done the same thing if the roles were reversed. Besides, I'd never tell anyone not to bring me a coffee.

After lunch, not much happened because of the rain and not many others were up and out of bed today, so I just grabbed the opportunity to listen to absolutely nothing for a few minutes. Seriously, that's a very rare thing in a hospital and it was almost scary, because normally when it is that quiet, the proverbial is about to hit the fan, but it didn't. I was bored and everyone was watching the Eagles game and so I had nothing better to do and decided to watch that and must admit that it was a rather entertaining game to watch.

Just after, mum came in and I haven't been able to see her for a while for a bunch of reasons and it was really good. She helped me find a secret stash of junk food I thought was already eaten and so I am totally having midnight snacks right about now. Hey, I'm on a get fat diet so don't judge me! We also sorted out my life and everything boring like that because unfortunately even when you are in hospital long-term, people still expect you to pay bills and do stupid things like that because it's a sad reality that money makes the world go around. That's another rant for another day!

I felt a bit more refreshed than I did yesterday emotionally because I was able to have some chill time by myself, some fairly good sleep, even though I did wake up twice last night and some Jesus time. Therefore even though it wasn't as bad, I did manage to get strength from that and shrug off any negativity that came my way today, which is something I have struggled with these past few days. Seriously, if you are feeling a bit crappy and can't quite put your finger on it and it gets to the point where you are feeling ill physically, check how much Jesus time you've had. I guarantee you haven't had enough. Which brings me around to the fact it's Sunday and today I simply had to laugh. One of the guys in here, Russell, is a typical Kiwi guy and he never shuts up about how great the Allblacks are. Seriously, we do not care and we know Australia will never see the Bledisloe cup again. Anywho, he has a very bad potty mouth and I've grown up very unsheltered and so swearing really doesn't phase me. Well, he noticed some Metro Church cd's on my table and asked me about them. I told him it's the church I attend and he gave me a funny look. He then very genuinely shook my hand, apologized for his choice of words around me and said he will not swear around me in future because he said your God won't like that. I just smiled and said it's not a worry but if you feel that's what you want to do, I respect your effort to do that.

Also, while I was up, I went outside with my Elmo and people were giving me funny looks, so I would just like to state this:

Yes, I am a grown man who hugs soft toys, especially when they represent some of the most amazing people I know and at times like these when I miss them, such as Elmo = Sarah. What of it? At least I'm secure enough in my manhood to do that. I have a tiger for Kathy, Elmo for Sarah and a rabbit for Zoe Johnston and so now I just need something for Amy and Shona and then I will have one for all the decent women in my life who don't have cooties.

Anywho, it's nearly midnight and Elmo is giving me looks and so I better hug it and get some sleep.

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