Saturday 15 June 2013


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Thank goodness today was a Saturday! Physically, I just didn't feel up for anything at all today. Sure, I woke up around 8:30 but I have been sore and tired all day. I did get pretty decent sleep last night, so that was not to blame. It's just the after-effects of a big week that seems to have taken it all right out of me today. I still managed to be up and out of bed by 10 this morning, which is apparently early around here. Around 11, Aunty Coral came in with coffee and this chocolate thing I like. She ended up staying for a while and I appreciated her thinking this week. I've been annoyed that the medical team said I can't go home just yet, but she said that they know what they're doing and that it's best to be overly cautious now than to go home, something goes wrong and have to return again. Well, that makes a lot of sense because once I'm out of here, I'm so not coming back unless I'm dying and I don't plan on doing that for a long time yet. It was rather funny that she assumed footy was on because I was wearing my Freo scarf. I was simply wearing it and sitting right under the heater because I was that cold this morning. I attempted to go outside, got two metres out the door and simply thought, stuff that. So I went back inside, turned my heater on and sat there.

Not long after my aunt left, it would be lunch time and being Saturday, not many others were up either and so I had lunch in peace and quiet and I'm thankful for that today. Lunch was good too, as I had lamb chops, vegies and fried rice. However, I was meant to be up until 5:00 today (seven hours) but was too tired and sore and so I ended up going back to bed at around 1:00. I wasn't sleepy and so I didn't try napping but I just watched the V8's while resting and waiting for 3:00 when the Dockers game would come on. I watched the game and was less than impressed. That is a harsh thing to say about the team I've followed since day one, but it's honest. They came out very flat as though they were just going to have this game handed to them and seem to have underestimated Brisbane. I'd say they were lucky to lead at the first break. Finally in the second half they managed to kick away a bit and show their class to register a 40 point win and with no reports or injuries and returning off a bye, I guess that will do. Unfortunately with Essendon winning, it means they stay fifth despite the win, but it's okay because Essendon have the bye next week and so we should catch them up then.

With impeccable timing as she seems to have, Shona arrived within about five minutes of the game ending. She thought she'd interrupted me watching the game and even though I wouldn't care if she did because she's one of my favourites, she was relieved when I said it was over. She stayed for about an hour and a half and she's the kind of person who I can really talk to properly about real life, so that was really good and hers is definitely a two-way friendship. I shared some of my lollies and chocolate with her because God knows we both need it this week. Oh, as I mentioned recently, I am trying to get soft toys for my closest female friends and although it wasn't exactly a soft toy, Shona gave me a little red squeaky lion thing. It's really funny and because it came from her, I will hold onto it and put it in the same bracket as Zoe's rabbit, Sarah's Elmo and Kathy's tiger, which seems to have disappeared. It better turn up in the near future! It couldn't have gone far because I know I had it earlier today.

My evening was good because as I just mentioned, Shona came into visit. After she left because like me, she's had a big week and needed to get home to bed, I checked and saw the second half of the Suns v Bombers game and as expected, the Bombers won fairly comfortably in the end. Although, it may have been a bit closer because the Suns were unlucky to get some injuries in that game. After that game, I found The Dark Knight on nine and have been watching it ever since. So today has been a very relaxing day with not much going on at all, but as my aunty said earlier, some days you just need to stop and rest, so that's what I've done.

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