Friday 7 June 2013


Friday, June 7, 2013

Haha, I just realized that the first two numbers in today's date equal the year. Wow, someone is a bit slow today and to be fair, that's a good way to sum up my day. I think, as a consequence of yesterday being long and physically tiring, today has felt very slow and been very lazy. Not a bad day, just a slow day. It was very unproductive and I didn't even make it to the physio gym, even though I said I would go. It's strange though because I realized once I had got up that I was not the only one feeling like this today, as there were a number of others feeling much the same as me today. There was nothing particularly wrong with me emotionally. I was not feeling down about anything, but just felt tired and didn't feel up to doing anything today, so I just sat in the sun with my iPod and put my head on the side of the tree and had a nap.

I didn't get to have a shower today because I share a bathroom with one other guy and he took forever this morning for some reason. By the time it was free, it was 11:30 and then the cleaner wanted to clean it before she went for lunch, so I just had a wash today. Seriously, my own bathroom again is one thing I will appreciate all the more when I get home. I've had a bathroom to myself since I can remember because in all houses I have lived in, we have always had two bathrooms and so it's been one for me and one for mum and my sisters.

I was so tired today that even though I did have a nap already and I'd slept in, I got back into bed around 3 and fell asleep within minutes and didn't wake until around 4:15. This evening I watched the AFL game and even though I hate both teams (Carlton v Essendon) it was something to pass the time as I really had nothing better to do. It was actually a good game to watch and ended very close. Then after that, a really old Superman movie was on and so I've just been watching that, which brings me to now.

Seriously, I'd give my right foot to have been at youth tonight. Sometimes when I've had a lame week like this week, not bad, just lame, youth is the spark that wakes me up again and reminds me that life is exciting. Well, hopefully I'm out sooner rather than later because not being at youth and no Dockers game this weekend makes Perry go something something.

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