Tuesday 11 June 2013


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Brick walls can be great, they can be horrible. They can keep us safe from storms and they can hit us right in the face. Lately I have experienced both extremes of these, but today was definitely the latter of the two.

In a strange turn of events for me, my morning turned out to be the best part of my day. I got some decent sleep, had a good breakfast and woke up to some decent staff. Trust me, decent staff make a shift in hospital so much easier than terrible staff who either don't know what they are doing or don't care about what they are doing. However, when you get some of those rare people who both care about what they are doing because they remember you are a human with feelings and they know what they are doing, it's amazing and something to be thankful for. I've finally made an agreement with the guy next door whom I share a bathroom with, Jeff, as to good times to use the bathroom because it's not fair I miss out completely, but neither of us should need to sacrifice our sleep either. We worked out a good plan and this morning, we were both able to do what was needed. Although, everyone said to me today, even people not here at the hospital, that this morning just flew by and before we all knew it, it would be lunch time. I got outside and chilled in the sun for a bit, grabbed an iced coffee from a little lunch bar next door and then came back because lunch was about to be served.

Everyone would then start staring at me because my phone rang. It was Kathy and I immediately smiled like a tool because I haven't seen or spoken to her properly for a while because she's been busy with real life. I may have also fist-pumped at this time. She just happened to call just as lunch was being served and the staff looked at me as if to ask if I'm going to eat my lunch and talk. I gave them a look that said no, best friend > food. After I'd spoken to her, I then got to my lunch, which was an Asian style grilled fish with vegies and I found it really good. Also, I've found recently there is one guy who works in the kitchen and he makes the best coffees out of everyone on staff. Everyone else either makes it strong and cold, or hot and weak. However, he makes them both hot and strong, like all coffee should be. So then that meant after I'd eaten lunch I had a decent amount of energy, so I went to physio. This is where my fun would stop for the day.

I got through most of my session fine and they were once again happy with my effort. I need to mention here for those that don't know, I've got a real bad needle phobia. One of the other patients has been particularly unwell for the past week or so and there was a nurse with her in the gym today, which isn't unusual to see in a hospital, so I didn't think anything of it. However, I caught the sight of her receiving a blood test while I was just finishing. I immediately jumped and started freaking out. I'm not normally as bad as I was today, especially when I'm not the one receiving the blood test. My pulse started racing. I immediately felt dizzy and ended up going outside and well, that's where my lunch ended up. I am happy to have got through the session, but I was supposed to be up for another two hours, until 4:30, but ended up being back in bed feeling unwell by 2:30. I went to sleep and woke at around 4:00. The nurse on this afternoon asked if I'd like to get back up this evening, but I simply said it isn't worth risking it considering I've been a bit unwell. Therefore I just lied in bed watching the afternoon cartoons, news and after that anything else I could find to pass the time really. That's also a pretty good way to sum up my evening as well. I'm feeling much better and I am okay now. I've been drinking lots of water and eaten some fruit and did get my dinner down so I think I'm good.

In the end, although I feel like I hit a brick wall today, I still managed to do what was required and so I guess I am still one day closer to getting home. Also, speaking to best friend is always a good thing! However, just keep those needles away from me please!

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