Friday 31 May 2013


Friday, May 31, 2013

Today was 65 Roses Day, the biggest fundraising day for Cystic Fibrosis WA on the calendar. I was a volunteer last year and we managed to sell out of roses by 3:00 pm and had to order some more. That was a great problem to have and everyone loved it! I'm hoping they had similar issues this year! I'm a bit disappointed that I wasn't able to help out this year, but I know it's not the end of the world and that my health must come first. Like run for a reason, I will be back into 65 Roses Day next year. As a result of this, Zoe has been on my mind from the minute I woke today. Not in a sad way, but just remembering the battles she faced and conquered while she had cystic fibrosis herself, especially considering I am in hospital myself at the moment. I've been missing her a lot more than normal today and have noticed the colour purple a lot more than normal, which was her favourite colour. I've been remembering some things she told me, both wise and just plain wierd ends of the spectrum. She would be happy to know I have kept my promise to try and give CF as big a punch in the face as I possibly can and that makes me smile. I hope that all of my Perth friends who were in the city, West Perth or even Karrinyup shopping centre were able to buy a rose, with all proceeds going toward research into a cure for cystic fibrosis and helping with new technology and things to assist those currently dealing with the horrible disease.

Anywho, my day got off to a bit of a false start. Somehow I woke up at the ungodly hour of around 7:20 and breakfast came right about then. Being a Friday, it was a bacon and egg burger and a pretty decent one I might add, too. The coffee wasn't a terrible one, but it was weak and as it turned out, I was still tired and at around 8:30, I went back to sleep until around 10:00. It was a tough start to the day because in winter and especially on cold mornings, my joints do not like to move. Today was definitely one of those days. I didn't mind so much because when you are in a place like hospital, it's not like you've got to be anywhere.

Once I did get up, I was still going at only half-pace, but decided I should go to the physio gym, even though lunch was only 40 minutes away. One of the female physios was with me today and she was in a grumpy mood and taking it out on me. I was stewing over a couple of things she said during my lunch that I felt were a bit tough and I took my frustration, went back to my room, picked up my dumbells, went outside and did my own physio session for around an hour near my favourite gum tree. I did feel like I was about to lose my lunch, but held it down because I will not give them the satisfaction of seeing me vomit.

Not long after, I went back to bed and couldn't even finish my afternoon tea coffee that was made for me. I pretty much hit the bed, got comfortable and it was lights out for me for the next two hours. I don't normally like napping during the day, but the good thing about napping when you are halfway through a coffee is you wake up to coffee already there. I just had to ask someone to re-heat it and because it was afternoon shift, they weren't busy and didn't mind. A negative to napping during the day is that as I write this, it's just after 10:00 pm and I am not even slightly tired. Well, like I said earlier, it's not like I need to be anywhere tomorrow so I can sleep in if I need.

My evening has been a pretty average one. Not bad, just a normal Friday evening with football when one is not at youth. With the games on tonight, I would have much rather been at youth. I watched Collingwood give Brisbane a footy lesson and nobody likes to see Collingwood win, except Collingwood bogans themselves. I then turned over to check the rugby and it turned out the Bulldogs were training the Dragons. Yeah, you saw what I did there, didn't you? I'm a tad disappointed that being a Friday night, there aren't any decent movies on at all and as a result, I was left bored which is why I have done this blog a bit earlier than originally planned.

Oh, before I go, I must say that I'm stoked as I have just discovered that the air conditioner above my bed is reverse-cycle. Goodbye seized up joints first thing on a cold morning!

Thursday 30 May 2013


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Get comfortable and I hope you've got a drink handy because this is going to be a long one. If you haven't, go make one now and come back. Okay, so I haven't blogged in around a week and originally when I started this blog, I did say they'd be daily blogs. For that, I am sorry and must acknowledge inconsistency is something I definitely need to work on (in a lot of parts of my life at the moment). This week has been a tough one internally and as is my usual mode when tough things go down, I retreat to my corner with my chocolate, soft toy and Switchfoot. Well, this week has been no different, except instead of Switchfoot, it was Dashboard Confessional. Heck, I've barely even spoken to my mother or my best friend this week.

I said to Simon yesterday that I stopped blogging simply because I am an introvert emotionally (not a lie) and that I'm not comfortable sharing my personal experiences with people, especially on the internet, knowing that any person in the world can read this. However, I was reminded today that it's so not about me, at all. In my first blog, I acknowledged my pastor, Geoff Woodward and how he originally encouraged me to do this. He said a lot of people will get encouragement through this and so far, that has been the case.

Today I realized through texting with Amy, that if we keep silent, the devil wins because then we can't change our world. Indifference is something the devil loves and if he manages to silence us, we can become indifferent and then bitter. Yes, it is tough sharing my daily experiences with you all, but I think this is just a test, a growing experience and it's showing me that there are things in my own life I need to address, such as this. Therefore I am continuing on with my blog and vow to work on my consistency with it.

I've been overthinking a lot, which is something I do a lot anyway, but I've been doing it a lot more than normal lately. Sure, I've been getting out of bed everyday consistently and all that is going very well. However, aside from that, there isn't really much I can do on hospital grounds even when I am out of my room. I've been thinking a lot about the people who have genuinely been there for me throughout the past few months and come to the conclusion that it is a very small list. I am not going to name names because they know who they are. I've been questioning a lot of people's intentions, whether they are genuine or not and I think it's just been a reminder that I really, really don't like fake people - at all! I know that when I go home I am going to face a lot of people who have done barely anything for me during this whole experience and they will claim they love me. I will probably look them in the face and ask, "Do you?" because I am feeling a lot more blunt than normal at the moment and I am not in the mood for beating around the bush, more than usual. I've made a list of those people whom I know love me most and made them my top priority to catch up when I get home. I'm not going to be rude and ignore people, but my priorities will be different. I don't have time or energy to give myself to every single person who asks for it anymore, as harsh as that sounds. Also, I have no tolerance at all for small-minded complaining about first-world problems, so don't bother coming to me with them.

In closing, considering this is meant to be about my daily experiences, I should mention I am getting out of bed twice daily now, for a combined total of about five hours a day and the doctors are very happy. I started going to the physio gym this week to try and regain some fitness and strength and next week I will be going to occupational therapy to work on some chair transfers and things like that.

Thursday 23 May 2013


Thursday, May 23, 2013

I'd like to start by apologizing for the lack of a blog yesterday. It turned out to be a pretty good, but busy and tiring day and by the end of it, was just too tired and started feeling a bit unwell, so a relatively early night was had. However, today I am feeling fine and so here is today's blog.

As I said at the top, I had an early night and slept in as well. The usual case with me happened this morning as it took me a while to wake, but once I was awake today I was okay. However, there was one main difference this morning. You see, yesterday being Wednesday, the doctors did their round. While they were all very happy with my progress and in a good mood, I decided to try and see how far they were willing to bend. Every single day since admission on January 16 I've had blood-thinning injections of Clexane simply to try and prevent blood clots. However, I thought considering I am now getting out of bed consistently every day, it won't hurt to ask if the injections can cease. I thought it would be a ridiculous question and they wouldn't even think about it, but they all agreed that I'm doing well, have no history of clots and because I am getting up and moving around that the injections can cease immediately. Therefore today was my first needle-free day since January 15, the day before I was admitted into hospital. It was a bit wierd this morning not waking to the feeling of a needle, but in a good way, for sure.

Seriously, not even hearing that Miami won their NBA playoff game in overtime by one stupid point has managed to ruin my mood because of this news. I'm sure Zoe (even from heaven), Sam Chalk and Kathy most of all can understand my level of relief today because those three (from outside family) have actually been with me while I've had needles and so they understand just how much I don't like them.

Speaking of Kathy, she's got this amazing ability of randomly popping up and making my day. Take today, for example: It was around 1:15 and my phone rings. It was a number that wasn't saved in my phone and so no name came up, just a number. I immediately recognized her voice but thought it was strange because normally I'd see "Metro Church" come up on my phone as she's the receptionist. It turns out my number was under someone else's name and she'd actually intended on calling someone else. However, it was a good excuse to keep talking and she told me about some things she's doing, especially with youth which is just great. It wasn't very long but we managed to cover a few things, so it was great. She needed to get back to calling the original person she was meant to be calling and then I guess get on with the rest of her work, but the fact it was an unexpected call from my best friend had made my day.

I got up and went outside around 2:00 and against everyone else's advice telling me how cold it is outside, I decided against taking a jumper. I'm glad I didn't because where I like to sit, near the park benches and rose bushes, it was nice and warm. It was good to just sit and have some Jesus time outside today, in the sun near the trees and flowers. I was only meant to be up for an hour and a quarter today but got distracted talking to someone and ended up being up for an hour and a half. There was no issue with it and all still went fine today from a physical point of view.

As the time approached to go back inside, I found a really nice yellow rose and noticed I can reach it and so I picked it, took a photo of it and sent it to Kathy as a way to thank her just for being my best friend and for making my day, albeit unintentionally. It was cool because in reply, she said that made her day too. The yellow rose is now sitting on my table in some fresh water, looking great.

The evening has been a bit slow with just watching The Footy Show, even though it was a bit lame tonight and the eating of chocolate. You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but honestly my doctor told me yesterday to keep eating my chocolate because I'm still a bit underweight, so I'm only being a good patient and taking my medical advice seriously.

This getting up business is a bit tiring and it's nearly midnight, so that's enough excitement for one day I think.

Tuesday 21 May 2013


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Today was starting off much the same as yesterday, at least mentally and emotionally. It was tough and I was less than happy. I knew right away that the thoughts of yesterday were real and really were something that needed to be dealt with. However, it wasn't going to be that simple and I didn't know where to start. It doesn't help the situation when I haven't been getting much sleep either, so I am tired as well as trying to deal with my futile emotions. Basically the morning was a write-off and not much happened, at all.

Lunch came and my day picked up from there. Lunch was lamb curry with rice and papadums and it was actually pretty good, especially considering I am in a hospital. They forgot to give me a drink and my nurse didn't mind at all getting me a fresh coffee, which is above the call of duty and I thought was nice. Afternoon tea came and there were bonus scones as well as the normal coffee and biscuits and so I got one of them.

Around that time, my day picked up considerably because I got a random (very funny, to say the least) text from Shona and because I know her well, I managed to understand what she meant. It lead to a conversation via text and because I knew she would understand, I told her how I was feeling and what was bothering me. She didn't really tell me anything profound, spiritual or even really deep, but I think just the fact she knew as she'd experienced similar things and that she really cares helped me feel better.

Then it came time to go outside and the weather was just great! Lots of people were telling me how cold it is, but if you go in the sun, it was really good! I put on my iPod, found a park bench and closed my eyes for about half an hour. I then went around the front where the flowers are and found a really big pink one and picked it for Shona, as just a small thing to thank her for being there when I needed her today. Seriously, she's that good!

I got back to bed after an hour and was rather tired, more from being out of bed than not getting good sleep. I tried to nap a bit and it did help this time. It all went well again and so tomorrow I will be allowed up for another hour again. Also, tomorrow is doctor day being Wednesday and I'm sure they will be happy again.

Well, it's a double episode of NCIS and so I'm gone, goodnight kids.

Monday 20 May 2013


Monday, May 20, 2013

Today is my sister's birthday. I have four sisters, but have never had a stronger bond with any of them than I do with Zoe. She's my big-little sister, if you like. She may be taller than me but she's two years younger than me. If you break her heart, I break your face, or at least your groin. Seriously, I remember being in year six (11 years old) and she would have been nine years old. We were at school and I wanted a basketball. The jerk threw it at my face and hit me in the head with it and he thought it was funny. My sister just happened to be walking past at that exact time, saw what was happening and gave him an absolute mouthful. I can't remember if she ever got into trouble for doing that, but I have never forgot that. Even though she is smaller and younger, if she sees someone picking on someone else, she won't stand for it and she will stand up for the underdog, even sometimes to her own detriment. She's a very selfless person and will do whatever it takes to make sure those she loves are happy and have all they need. Happy quarter of a century day, Zoe.

Aside from that fact, today has been pretty average for me personally. I missed my bacon and egg sandwich because I slept in, so it was already a bad start. Then, for some unknown reason, I woke up really on the wrong side of the bed and rather snappy and grumpy. I wasn't in pain, sick and nothing really significant has happened recently to make me feel this way. I've been like this all day and I can't seem to shake this stupid mood. Feeling rather apathetic, generally over it all and I really just don't want to do anything today, so I've just lied here doing not much. I am feeling rather tired as well which is strange because I got around 10 hours sleep last night.

I do think I know what's causing it, but I would rather keep that to myself. I think sometimes it's better to just deal with things by yourself than air your dirty laundry because it can cause more drama than needs to be caused.

Today wasn't a complete write-off as I did manage to still get up and it was again without a physical issue, so tomorrow I am allowed to get up for one hour. Everyone medically is very happy with my progress at the moment and I will be starting physio in the gym next week if things keep going well.

Also, I managed to call Ticketek right on 12:00 noon when Bon Jovi tickets went on sale and I got two tickets to their Perth show, December 8. I will be taking the significant woman in my life, my mum. I must admit I am a bit excited for that! No, they are not for sale!

Well, I'm knackered and I need an early night, so I'm going to try this sleeping early thing because God knows I need it!

Sunday 19 May 2013


Sunday, May 19, 2013

As you should know by now, or if you already knew me before I started blogging you'd already know my mornings are slow and I don't think that anything should exist pre-9am, seriously. So I think it doesn't need to be stated that this morning was a slow one. I woke around 10 (because I could) and because it's Sunday, spent the morning with the AFL and NRL footy shows.

Then not long after lunch, I was asked if I'd like to get up out of bed. What do you think my response was? Heck to the yes! I was able to get up for 45 minutes today and I decided I'd get up in the warmest part of the day to make the most of the sun because I've seen it twice in four months. I got outside and saw all the flowers in the garden and even though some people gave me dirty looks, picked a really nice pink one. You would have seen it if you've got me on Facebook and Instagram. It's now sitting on my table in the same mug Caitlin got me for my birthday. Also, I was outside long enough to just be able to stop, listen to Sigur Ros and take in the beauty of God's creation and just smile at the world. I even attempted to nap and I think I did fall asleep for a bit. It's a rare thing to do that when one is in hospital, especially for this long! I'm glad that even though it was only 45 minutes, it felt like time stood still for a while. Seriously, it does someone the world of good to just sit and turn everything off, go outside and just sit. It reminds me that God's the one who holds it all in his hand and he knows what he's doing. Heck, if he created all of the flowers, trees, birds and the sky, surely he can hold us, right? Right!

Again there was no issue medically and I am progressing well with it all. I think the plan is for me to go to the physio gym either this week or next week to put some muscle back on. Also, on that, I was weighed this week and I'm still about 6 kilograms underweight, so they are keen to thrash me in the physio gym for a while because obviously muscle weighs more than fat and will be a quicker and healthier way to put the weight back on.

This evening has been an okay one. I watched a cool story on 60 minutes about a young boy who has cerebral palsy. Doctors said his particular case is so bad that he would never walk, sit up by himself or even talk. Well, I think he's about 10 years old and he is doing all of those things - like a boss! Stories like that really inspire me and keep me going sometimes. They remind me that I am not the only one who is living with a life-threatening medical condition and constantly defying doctor's expectations for my life.

I tried to watch Elementary as has become my custom on a Sunday night, however I was struggling to concentrate on it. Therefore I decided to just lie here and chill out. Sometimes my brain just decides it doesn't want to concentrate and it's a side-effect of my condition. With age, it has become better and I have found ways around it. However, sometimes the brain just doesn't function and this was one of those times. This is one reason why I struggled in school and why I do struggle sometimes at university, but I press on because I don't know how to quit.

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" - Psalm 46:10 (NKJV)

Saturday 18 May 2013


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Today, for at least the first few hours, I felt a bit like Ian Thorpe. Not because I did anything great in swimming, but because this morning felt a lot like it got off to a false start. I woke up after not much sleep because they decided for last night I needed two hourly observations, instead of four hourly. I have no idea why they did this and it did cost me a fair bit of sleep. I woke up around 8, replied to a message on my phone, and was awake long enough for my nurse to be standing there, just waiting to give me an injection. Seriously, that's just not nice! I then managed to go back to sleep and didn't wake properly until around 10 when Aunty Coral walked in with coffee, an Anzac biscuit and a chocolate muffin thing. Now that is definitely a much nicer way to wake up! My aunt could teach some nurses a thing or two about caring. It took me a while to wake up and to be honest, I never really got out of first gear today. However, I think when you consider I am in hospital and not having to do too much at the moment, it's not a problem.

After lunch, I was given a choice as to when I could get out of bed and I decided that around 1:30 would be good. I got up again without an issue and I am finding it is becoming easier each day. I don't even feel sick at all anymore but I do still feel rather weak moving around, so I'm not doing that too much at the moment. That will probably take a little while to get back to normal, especially after being in bed for such a long time. I managed to get out and unlike the other day's sad attempt, I did see some sunshine today and that was really good. I literally just sat there and enjoyed the sound of trees, birds and not much else. No machines, medical people, nothing for 30 minutes. Shame it had to end, really. I'm also finding that when I do go back into bed, I'm not needing a nap anymore, so I must be gaining more stamina as each day progresses. Anyway, tomorrow I am allowed 45 minutes up, so hopefully I get outside again.

As I came back inside, I was flicking through and pleasantly surprised to find a game of footy on. However, thanks to some people (who will go unnamed) I saw who won on Facebook already. Yeah, gotta love delayed broadcasts of sports! It wasn't the Dockers game so it wasn't a big deal and I still enjoyed the game, even though I already knew what the result would be and I am happy Brisbane won anyway because I don't mind them.

Then, the most dramatic part of my week was about to commence: Fremantle Dockers v Sydney Swans. Just to give some background, the Dockers are missing about five key players at the moment. Sydney don't have any such worries at all and the game is played at the SCG, where Sydney can play their best and Fremantle have a poor record. I was pleasantly surprised to see us up in the first quarter, but not getting carried away as it was only a few points. To put it simply, we should have won but really we didn't deserve to win either because we had so much possession and didn't capitalize on it. However, Sydney took their chances when they had them and in the end, history will show tonight's game was the Dockers first ever draw. I honestly don't know how to feel. I guess I will just be happy that we matched it with the reigning premier with an undermanned side and on their own ground. I may or may not have been hiding behind a soft toy for the last minute of the game. One thing I have learned from the game is that not just in sport, but in life, you have to take your opportunities. Even if you only get small ones or they come unexpectedly, you've got to be ready to take them when they do come.

After that, I needed some water just to calm down. I was flicking through the channels to find something relaxing and it was funny that I was texting Brian about it last night and managed to find Back To The Future 1 and 2, back to back on channel seven, so I've been watching them. I was telling him last night that I haven't seen any of the trilogy and apparently that's a crime against nature. I can see why he said that because I am finding them rather funny. I especially like the old guy. I'm missing it so I best be off, but I must finish today with a question: Why haven't hoverboards and flying cars been invented yet?

Friday 17 May 2013


Friday, May 17, 2013

Oh, she's only seventeen. Sorry kids, I saw the date and got distracted by a song called "Seventeen" by Kings Of Leon. Yes, I do have Homer Simpson brain sometimes. I'm not going to apologize for that because at my age, you'd think I would have overcome this if it were an issue. Therefore I guess it's fine considering I've survived this long with it. Anyway, onto my day ...

Today got off to an average start, to say the least. First of all, the bacon and eggs I was excited for last night proved to be an epic fail, with the bacon being cold, half-cooked and fatty and the eggs not cooked well at all and the coffee cold and bitter, so I passed on breakfast and went back to sleep. If you want proof I am not a morning person, we just need to rewind the tape to this morning. Sure, it was partly my own fault considering I was awake until an ungodly hour watching the NRL footy show, with no regrets because it was good. I was woken to the sight of a needle and even after four months in hospital, I'm still not getting used to that and I still do jump every single morning. Anyway, earlier in the week I put a picture on Facebook about people that smile before 9 A.M. being untrustworthy. Well, it's so true! You know those people who like to ask the same stupid question three times, in three slightly different ways, but in the same degrading and annoying tone and with a huge smile on their face? Yeah, that person just happened to be on this morning. She managed to come in only five minutes after I woke and to be honest, I can't even remember what she asked me, but I remember thinking that after this long in here, surely she would know I don't comprehend complex questions fired at me within minutes of waking. I know she's just doing her job and it's not like she's bad at what she does or even a mean person at all. She just tends to have a really degrading tone and very bad timing.

The morning wasn't all bad though because I woke to about four messages, which is a lot for me. It was mixed news with one from Shona saying she's not feeling the best (boo!), but one from Sarah saying she did get good sleep (yay!). I'd been texting Sarah nearly all day which was cool. Funny part though was when she said I had a case of ESP because of something I said. Seriously, I wish I was that brilliant. I was trying to convince her that I can help her with her uni readings, but it didn't work. It's been one of those "I miss a lot of people that I love" weeks. They can be emotionally draining and I have found myself asking a lot of questions and being very emotionally inconsistent.

Anyway, the afternoon picked up considerably. It was fish and chips for lunch and it was pretty decent and a good (better than normal, anyway) coffee. Then, not long after lunch, I was allowed to get out of bed for thirty minutes. Considering I was still feeling tired from a slow morning and not much sleep, I wasn't exactly thrilled because I thought it would take it right out of me. However, I was pleasantly surprised to notice that as each day progresses, my energy is getting better and I'm not needing a nap straight after going back to bed at least.

Then, a friend Chris came in and we caught up on life for a bit. He's a decent guy with a really great servant heart and I think more people should give him the time of day to get around him because he really is a valuable guy. Then while Chris was still here, my friend Iasmina came in and we share a similar kind of sense of humour so you know there would be a laugh in there at least once. Apparently I need to watch Pitch Perfect with her because it is "our sense of humour", as she said to me today. She's hoping to come back in here next week and we will probably watch it then. Then Iasmina left because she had to see someone else (some people just have all the friends, don't they?) and Chris had to go as well and all of a sudden, the tiredness of being up had hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn't attempt to nap because dinner is early in here and I was feeling hungry and didn't want to sleep through that or ruin my sleep tonight, so I just pushed through.

This evening was an easy choice because in the NRL, it was Rabbitohs v Tigers, followed by Broncos (my team) v Titans and in the AFL, it was Eagles (rival team) v Kangaroos. Therefore, I watched both games of NRL. Neither game was close and they were both clearly over by half-time. I didn't mind at all because the Broncos won 32-6 and the only try the Titans scored was a bad mistake we made, not something they did well. Rabbitohs showed why they are top of the ladder with an absolute flogging of an undermanned Tigers side, which was inevitable I guess considering the injuries to the Tigers at the moment.

Anywho, that's enough fun for a Friday and again, I am sure youth was fantastic! I am going to leave it there by saying go the mighty Broncos and congratulations to Sam Thaiday on being a father! :D

Thursday 16 May 2013


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Today is an important date in the life of Perry, as are a lot of days in May and June. Today is one of those days I wish I didn't have such a great memory when it comes to dates. May 16th is the birthday of my biological father, David John Gibbings. I've never been a big fan of the man as he has never been a great father figure to me. I won't go into details publicly, but my relationship with him is less than great. However, I will just state that God has blessed me with many great men in my life at the moment who are great examples of being a good father.

Also, today I've had that horrible feeling I sometimes get when I'm in hospital for an extended period. Zoe would often feel the same as well, where you spend way too much time thinking simply because there isn't much else to do and you start worrying about those you love most, especially when you know they're dealing with something tough, as I know some are at the moment. Again, I won't go into what's going on but I do hate that horrible feeling of helplessness when I am in hospital, knowing there is nothing I can practically do to help much. I know none of this is my fault, but when you really care for someone and you know they are less than winning at life, you want to do all you can to help them win at life again. However, I am reminded that even though being in hospital means I am physically restricted, I'm not totally helpless as I can still help in other ways and I can still pray just the same as I could if I was not in hospital.

The afternoon was a good, but tiring one. I got out of bed today for only the second time, so it was only for 15 minutes. I did feel a bit light-headed for a couple of minutes but didn't vomit, so all good. Everything went well, except I went to go outside, just because I could, only to find on the day I can actually go outside, it's raining. Gee, thanks God! Well, tomorrow it means I get up for thirty minutes, so hopefully there is some sunshine for at least some of that time tomorrow, but it's not looking likely at the moment. As I got back to bed, it hit me just how tiring it is getting up after one has spent so much time being stuck in a bed. I had a quick half-hour nap and started thinking physio wasn't happening today, when he suddenly came in my room and woke me up (as if I wasn't tired enough). Anyway, as I said a couple of days ago, I know I need to re-strengthen myself because I am definitely nowhere near as strong as I need to be to live my life normally yet. I'm sure it won't take too long for my strength and consistency to return.

However, this has meant it's been a slow, but good evening for me. It's Thursday, which means a late one with Simpsons, Big Bang Theory, AFL and NRL footy shows (if I can stay up that late). Also, not sure if I do want to stay awake that long because tomorrow being Friday, it's bacon and egg day and I don't want to miss that action, even if it does mean waking at 7:30.

Anyway, I must conclude as the AFL footy show is about to start, by stating I like turtles, thanks to my good friends Hannah and Barry.

Tuesday 14 May 2013


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I would like to start today's blog with an apology, so I'm sorry if this blog doesn't seem to make much sense. That's because today has been a very strange day and even as I write this, I am still trying to piece things together and make sense of my strange day. However, one thing I have learned and is probably the moral of the day is that I should probably just learn to accept some things happen just because they do. For example, night before last I didn't get much sleep, so last night I slept very well. You'd expect me to then have adequate energy for my day, right? Wrong! I have been tired all day, even with the help of my good friends, coffee and chocolate. Also, since being admitted into hospital on January 16, I've needed daily injections of Clexane, which is a blood thinner, simply because I'm not moving around much and I have had a blood clot in the past. Well today it was discovered that on the back of my legs, where I've been getting the injections, I'm coming up in bruises. I'm just going to take it as my body's way of saying that is more than enough needles, thank you! Somehow I don't think my doctors will agree and they will keep on going with the injections, despite the bruising. Insert epic sadface here! :(

Then, as I was psyching myself up for physio, despite already being in pain and tired this morning, I remembered my physio said to me last week he was taking time off and so I won't be having physio at all this week. That was a relief and so I just spent the rest of the morning with Fiction Family, a Jon Foreman side project.

I tried to nap after lunch, but was unsuccessful. I then found a cool documentary on lions on television and I learned something on it: Even the biggest and scariest looking lions can have a sensitive side. There was this one big male lion and yet he was too scared to do anything at all. The guy said he was at one stage even so scared at one stage of the grass blowing in the wind that he'd lie down and cover his face until the wind stopped. It's only through training and growing that he's learned to deal with that and later on, it showed he is now a great leader in his pride of lions. It reminded me that it is only through facing our issues and fears that we can deal with them. Also, most of the time we will be unsuccessful if we just try and do it all on our own.

I then tried to watch the usual late afternoon cartoons but unfortunately today they were boring episodes and so I didn't really watch them. So, to end today, a quote from Bart Simpson: "I will not scare the vice president."

Monday 13 May 2013


Monday, May 13, 2013

Today got off to a bad start. First of all, I got nowhere near the amount of sleep I would have liked, but that was my own fault and also, not getting sleep in hospital when I'm resting in bed all day is not much of a problem, especially when I'm being left alone most of the time now. After posting last night's blog to Facebook, I got a comment on there from my best friend that, to be honest, left me smiling like an idiot. For no particular reason other than I've been in hospital way too long, I was having one of those "I just want to go home" days and was missing a lot of people who I haven't seen for a while, and to see a comment like what she wrote, it was perfectly timed and it totally made my day because I know it was genuine! Anyway, even though I totally could and wouldn't feel even slightly awkward about it, I am not spending this whole blog telling you about the greatness of my best friend, as much as I do love her. I'm just telling you why I struggled to sleep last night. I was too happy to sleep.

Then, I was told this morning I need to spend roughly two more days in bed before attempting to get up again, so I'm hoping to be able to go outside again (and for nice weather) when the doctors come around on Wednesday. Also, Kathy (best friend) was hoping to come in today but she told me she woke with a sore throat and took the safe option to rest up and make sure she was okay and didn't share it with anyone. I'm glad to know she's starting to feel better and hopefully I do see her soon.

Anyway, aside from that, the day got considerably better from around 10:30 onwards. As I have said on Facebook, almost every time since morning tea onward that I got a coffee, I have for some reason received a second one only minutes after the first one, basically doubling the amount of coffee I've had today. Also, it's not terrible coffee here either, so I'm pretty happy. Don't worry though because I will sleep as it is weak coffee. Not bad coffee, just weak. Also, because I didn't get good sleep last night, I haven't exactly been dancing on the roof, despite the crazy amounts of coffee in the system today.

I could sum up today like this: Lots of coffee, chill music, feeling very loved, slow progress physically.

Sunday 12 May 2013


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Today in Australia it is commonly known as "Mother's day." What did I do for my mother? Absolutely nothing and you know what? I don't feel even slightly bad about it. Now, that's not because I don't love my mother because I do. It's just because I'm a big boy now and she's never been one big on things like presents or nice words. Also, I think being in hospital at the moment, I have a pretty good excuse. She's always been a woman of action. Unless you can back it up and do something for her, don't bother telling her what you are going to do and how much you love her. Don't bother showering her with gifts. She'd prefer you paid her bills or helped her with the housework. She's a very practical, down to earth woman. That's not to say she doesn't like nice things, because she does. She just knows that some things are a higher priority in life than others. She really dislikes broken promises and that's probably where I get it from. It's also why I don't make promises or expect others to promise me things.

My mother is one of the most, if not the most, selfless person I know. She will go to silly lengths, sometimes even at the cost of her own health and working 2 or even 3 jobs, just to make sure her children, my sisters and I, have everything we need. For me especially with my medical issues over the years, I don't think I will ever know just how much mum (and my sisters) have had to sacrifice with time, finances, material possessions and other things just to make sure I am okay. To be honest, I don't know what I can do to repay that amount of sacrifice either. Also, I have never once heard mum complain. She'd be the one telling others to shut their complaining because nobody wants to hear about it. Whether it's life or death medical issues, being bullied constantly at school to the point where I would make myself vomit just so I don't have to go or whatever, Mum has been the one woman who I can totally rely on through it all and has not and will not ever let me give up on anything.

Also, I understand a day like this can be tough for a lot of people. I know there would be many out there who don't have a good relationship with their mum, or their mum can't be there for whatever reason. I want to let you all know if you're in that situation, you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers on days like this. I am not going to try and tell you I understand your pain because I don't and I am thankful to have a mum like I have. However, I do know that Jesus is there for you and he will rain his love on you today if you are in that kind of situation where you are finding days like this, especially with all the publicity that mother's day gets in Australia.

This is why I love how my church, Metro, call today "Honour Women Day." We do this because it was decided that just because a woman doesn't have children doesn't mean she does not deserve to be honoured and respected. Therefore I want to publicly acknowledge ALL the women in my life, even those without children and instead of just happy mother's day, I want to say happy honour women day!

Whatever kind of relationship you have with your mum, I hope you were able to celebrate her in some way today and if you couldn't, I hope it was a pleasant day regardless.

Saturday 11 May 2013


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Today was certainly the day of two halves for me. The morning was not a good one, but as the day has gone on, my day has certainly improved. What happened this morning? Well, I will tell you. I did mention yesterday my joints and sinus was playing up all day and it continued to bother me this morning and so I was feeling less than great, physically and emotionally.

However, my day improved when, not long after waking as I had a shocking night and slept in, I received a text message from my aunt asking if I'd like a coffee. This morning, I must say, I couldn't say "yes please" fast enough and I must publicly thank her for that because I felt like this morning, hospital coffee was not going to cut it today. I was then pretty happy with my lunch as it was pork chops and vegies which is always good and at that part of the day, it felt like I was drinking chain coffee as I'd just had my usual morning tea, then the coffee from my aunt, then lunch and then afternoon tea, all within about 3 hours. It's just a shame I couldn't get up and do something to burn off the excess energy I had, so I just lied there and watched a pretty good game of footy (for the most part, anyway) between Brisbane and Wet Toast. Unfortunately for my tipping, the eagles won in the end by 26 points. I just thought at their home ground, Brisbane would have the legs to run out the game better, but it proved to be the opposite.

However, the best part of my day came when Freo, who were without about five of their best players, managed to see off a Collingwood surge in the third quarter and run out comfortable 27 point winners at home in the end. It was a really good win because in the third quarter, Collingwood came from six goals down to take the lead early in the last quarter and I must admit, I was watching very nervously. However, I was very proud and to be honest, jealous I wasn't at the game tonight, as I watched Freo bravely fight it out and see them off with more run at the end. It was exciting to watch because in the past in those situations, they would normally be outplayed by a more experienced team such as Collingwood, especially without some of their best players out there to show leadership.

Anyway, from a very happy Dockers member, I must admit tonight that even if I wasn't in hospital, I'd probably not have gone to the game tonight because I had been invited to a good friend's (Christine's) 21st birthday. I would have probably made an appearance there and so tonight I'd like to publicly wish her a happy birthday and make it known the intention was certainly there. I would have also liked to have been at the Metro Fremantle youth launch, Armoury Youth. Seriously, they're going to kick some serious devil-backside in the city of Fremantle and from all reports and photos that I can see on Facebook, it looks like it was an amazing start in the life of the youth ministry. I pray for God's grace and wisdom upon Adam and Mandy as they step up in their leadership roles!

Anyway, I will surely be able to make an appearance at Armoury Youth sometime in the not too distant future! For now, I need to concentrate on getting some rest to give my body the best chance to get out of here and get home as quick as possible!

Friday 10 May 2013


Friday, May 10, 2013

There is a common acronym these days and it goes like this: T.G.I.F. meaning "Thank God It's Friday". However, I saw on Facebook today someone took it to mean Thank God I'm Fabulous. I am going to take that and run with it, especially today.

Today has been what I would call in normal society "one of those days." One of those days where I just didn't want to start and am grateful it has ended. There are some days where my body just says no. Today was one of those days. Thankfully, I didn't have to get out of bed and do things today and so I could agree with my body and just stay in bed all day. I have dodgy joints (just a factor from being in a chair my whole life) and some days, they just don't move well, particularly the day after a big physio stretch. I think that's why they were sore today more than anything. I also have sinus issues and so my head, throat and nose were playing up today as well and I think that's got something to do with the inconsistent weather patterns we have had here the past few days.

Then, I had some less than great staff looking after me today. They weren't terrible at their job exactly, but the ones on today are those people who treat people as though they are a job to be finished, not a person. They do exactly what is required, without any gentleness whatsoever and then you won't see them again until they have to do something again. At the age of 27, I still struggle with people like this, even though I have seen dozens of them and really, I should probably be used to them by now. I guess that is just a learning experience I need to go through in time. I really shouldn't let other people's poor attitudes get to me, but sometimes they just do.

It was good being Friday because it meant I could put a fairly average day behind me with Friday night football considering again I'm missing youth. Tonight it was Essendon v Geelong, two undefeated teams against each other and for the first half, the game lived up to the hype as it was close, hard and both teams were going well. However, Geelong seemed to show their experience in the second half and ended up comfortable winners in what I would say was a fair result.

Anywho, there doesn't seem to be any good movies on (as is the story most Friday nights lately) and I've got a bit of a headache, so I'm going to try get an early night.

Thursday 9 May 2013


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursdays in here are normally pretty quiet and not much happens. That's how it looked first thing this morning and what I was expecting my day to look like. Well, one nurse told me a few years back, as soon as you start to say it's quiet in a hospital, all hell breaks loose. Hell didn't exactly break loose, but I didn't get time to scratch myself today. Being Thursday, it is physio day and he decided I needed to be stretched further than last week which hurt because considering I'm slowly starting to get back up into my chair, it's not just my legs that get a stretch now but he makes me work my arms as well. However, one thing I know about stretching is that if you don't, you pay for it later, so in the long run I will be glad for it. For example, I don't want to start getting back into normal life and be too tired and unfit to function in my normal life. Later today, also the OT came and she had a student with her, so she took longer than normal. She just wanted to make sure my chair was going well and she also told me some news I wasn't expecting, and to be honest, is a bit disappointing, but it isn't the end of the world.

Also, I haven't told my doctor this because I don't want to hear that I can't do it, but I have my eyes focused on entering this year's Perth City to Surf half marathon event. Am I scared? Of course I am. Can I do it? Of course I can.

One thing that annoyed me today was hearing Miami won and won big in their game against Chicago in the NBA playoffs. However, I was happy with the other results, so it's not all bad. It was also fun having a "We hate Boston Celtics because... " session with David, the Lakers fan nurse who calls me "Kobe".

Later in the evening, Mum came in and brought my youngest niece, Harmony. However, Harmony was a bit grumpy because yesterday she had not one, not two, but THREE immunisations, one after the other. She's soon to turn one and so the poor girl came to the right place to get sympathy for having needles, especially considering how much her uncle hates them. I may or may not have fed her some chocolate to try and cheer her up a bit. Mum gave me a huge Stewie Griffin soft toy and so he will be on the look for anyone trying to attack me and he will get you!

I did my usual Thursday night tradition for as long as I can remember by watching the AFL footy show and as normal, there were some rather funny parts, so no matter what the week has thrown at me, I love how I can relax and am guaranteed to have a few laughs, often at the expense of Sam Newman. However, I was disappointed to hear everyone tipping Collingwood to beat Fremantle this weekend, despite the game being played at Subiaco Oval. Well, I just hope they're all wrong and I can have the last laugh with a Dockers win on Saturday.

Anyway, I'm off because being Thursday night, it's bacon and eggs for breakfast at 7:30 tomorrow and I'm not sleeping in and missing that one. Yes, my alarm is set, so goodnight and play nicely!

Wednesday 8 May 2013


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Today got off to a great start with the particular nurse who has nicknamed me "Kobe" being on today, so there was lots of NBA talk and I heard Miami lost their first game in their playoff series against Chicago. I may or may not still be doing a happy dance over this.

Today was much the same as yesterday, with one exception in that it's Wednesday, which means it's doctor round day. That was a bit different today because my resident doctor has moved on to another place (sad face because she is a good doctor and has good personal skills as well). As much as I appreciate that most female doctors have decent manners and know how to treat a patient, I must admit it's good my new doctor is a male for a change. It's strange how there never used to be female doctors anywhere and now, it feels like female doctors, at least at the rank of resident, are the majority. Anyway, upon first meeting I had to go through what I've re-told to what would be dozens of doctors in the past with a full medical history. The look on the new guy's face when he realized he may need a seat as this will take a while was rather funny. He seems like a decent enough guy and knows what he's doing and is very thorough, much like my previous doctor, so hopefully he is just as good and if he is, I will be good.

He confirmed what was told to me on Monday, that I will be hopefully getting back up again on Friday, but that it is more than likely to be next Monday. I'm not too disappointed because I know they are just being honest. They said they would rather I stayed a bit longer to be certain everything goes well and I go home as healthy as possible, rather than go home not quite right and have to come back within weeks of going home.

I must admit I was silently doing another happy dance (I know, two happy dances in one day might just be overkill) when there was no mention whatsoever of when my next blood test will be happening. They pretty much always tell me every Wednesday that I'm having one and when it will be, so when it wasn't mentioned, I didn't say a thing because there is no way I'm going to make the mistake that I made a few weeks ago by telling my doctor I was missed on the blood round. Hey, you can throw anything at me medically, but I draw the line at blood tests because they freaking hurt!

Oh, before I head off for the night, I need to mention I did get to sleep last night despite the rain. I wasn't sure if I would get to sleep, but within only a few minutes of trying, the rain seemed to ease off in this area, so it wasn't an issue. Cool beans!

Lastly, it was made an official ward rule today that SpongeBob is the man!

Tuesday 7 May 2013


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Today was much better than yesterday. It's probably because I took the advice of my favourite band and started the day on my knees. Okay, so I can't literally kneel because my knees just don't have the flexibility to do that, but I did start the day praying about my day instead of worrying about it. It seriously makes a huge difference to everything when I do that. Oh, it also helps the situation if I get some decent sleep and wake up to nice staff as well. All that combined meant I was going to be in for a decent day. Nothing in particular happened to make today great, but it just was a good day. Also, time didn't drag on like it does most days. I know, time goes at the same speed everyday, but you know what I mean.

Mid-afternoon I was feeling a bit tired but knew if I had a nap, I'd struggle to get to sleep tonight, so I just had some chocolate to push through (what a great excuse) and found some cartoons on tv to keep me out of trouble, so I watched Power Rangers, Flash, Ben 10 and Batman. What? Don't act like you're not a full-grown cool kid who watches cartoons as well.

Later in the evening, my friend Albert, who is a legit legend, came in for a quick visit (because he had to get to church for music practice) and he gave me a spare phone charger he had because mine was starting to break. Because he's so good, he didn't just leave me with a charger, but a spare usb cord as well, so I've effectively now got two working phone chargers.

After Albert left, I wasn't interested in anything currently on tv and it was too early to try sleep, especially considering I'd just had a coffee, so I just had some good Jesus time. Speaking of sleep, I'm wondering if I'm going to get any tonight because where I am, you can hear the rain easily and it is raining rather heavily tonight. Well, I'm still going to hope for the best and try sleep.

Monday 6 May 2013


Monday, May 6, 2013

"Monday found me on my knees again, breathing you in." - Switchfoot, I Turn Everything Over

That is a seriously good hint as to how to approach the week, regardless of what's in store for us. Reflecting back on today, I should have started my day like this. As a result of failing to do this, I didn't have a very good day at all today. I woke up far earlier than I had hoped, especially considering I was awake until well after midnight watching Monty Python and The Meaning Of Life. Well, that was time well spent I thought anyway, so it was fine. Also, Monday means waking to the sight of a bacon and egg burger for breakfast, so there is a silver lining here. It also meant I got my wash and everything out of the way so I didn't have to worry about it later and they didn't have to worry about remembering me later if they got busy with other things. Also, on washing, I was told today there is no reason I can't have showers from now on. Unless you've been bedridden for weeks on end, I don't think you can understand my joy at hearing this simple basic thing.

However, it wasn't all good news and this is what lead to a not so happy day today. I was told that I won't be able to get up in my chair until at least Friday, but more than likely next Monday. This means it will have taken an extra two weeks than expected originally between my first and second attempts at getting out of bed. I also won't be going home for a while longer than expected because of a few minor complications that the medical team want to look at as well. However, my aunt said to me it's better they keep you in to be certain everything is fine rather than send me home and have to come back with a slight issue later. It's good to get other people's perspective on things sometimes, especially when they're not directly affected by that situation. I sent a text to my best friend informing her of the news but aside from that, all I could do was lie there and try pass the day and be as positive as possible. That was an epic fail because I ended up feeling pretty crappy about it all and it lead to me not eating much either today. I did however get to have a nap and so this evening, I am feeling a bit better than I did.

Also, my aunt came in with homemade risotto for dinner and as I said above, gave me some fresh perspective on this current situation and we talked about other things which gave me something else to think about. Sometimes when you're in hospital, all you need is a different topic to think about aside from your health and you just start feeling emotionally better within minutes. That's definitely been the case today.

I think I need to just put this slight setback behind me and as I said at the top, take the advice of Switchfoot in future and learn from this mistake. Anyway, I'm off to finish watching Top Gear and try get an early night and hope for a better tomorrow.

Sunday 5 May 2013


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Today has been one of those annoying days. Annoying because despite good sleep, my body has really disliked me all day. Around 11 onwards, this cold that's been coming has really hit me today and it's sucked all my energy, made my nose hurt and talking hurts too. However, I'm not going to spend this blog complaining about how I've got a cold because it's not been a bad day by any means. 

Aside from the cold, it's been a good day. As I said, I had good sleep and initially, woke up feeling okay. I was getting a bit annoyed that I wasn't feeling too well earlier today and just felt like I needed something to pick me up. Then, out of the blue, I got a text and wasn't initially going to look at it straight away, but I did and it was from Albert and he told me Geoff was saying that I'm awesome today in church. That was exactly the kind of encouragement I wanted to hear and so emotionally, from that point on, it's been a good day. Not long after, lunch came and it was roast turkey which is something I don't get at home because I am the only person in my whole family who eats turkey, so when I have the opportunity to eat it, I take it. I was grateful to get an orange with my lunch too because I know vitamin c helps with things like colds. 

Not too long after that, I tried to nap for a bit and I got to that sleepy stage where you can tune out from annoying noises, but didn't really manage to get any sleep, so I just drank coffee and pushed through. I wasn't too annoyed about that because then, my best friend Kathy came in and that was cool because we have that kind of friendship where we can talk about our deepest issue and then start laughing about the most lame thing ever. We have both had a lot going on in our lives, so it was good to talk properly because as good as technology is for keeping in contact in this fast-paced world, it doesn't replace face to face contact. My aunty then came in and brought me fresh coffee, an anzac biscuit and what can only really be described as an epic chocolate thing from Baker's Delight. 

Soon after, Kathy had to leave and so I tried to get that nap I couldn't get before. However, I didn't get to because it felt like every few minutes, someone needed to come into my room for one thing or another. Therefore I just decided to watch the Eagles game, even though I told my aunty I wasn't going to watch it because I don't like them. I was bored and couldn't sleep, okay? Good thing I had that bonus coffee on a day like this where my body is just running on low.

I am a bit excited for tonight though and torn for choice because Hot Rod is on and also Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life is on. What shall I do? I guess I will just have to flick between the two. I love having small issues like this because they make me realize I don't have it too badly at all, even though I'm not feeling too great physically today. 

Anyway, I'm off for some Chris Tomlin and Christine Caine book time. Have a grand night, however you spend it! :) 

Saturday 4 May 2013


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Today was a pretty good day. It started with me sleeping in until around 9:30. However, it wasn't all fine with me trying to shake off this runny nose/head cold I've had for the past couple of days. It seems to be getting better but it's hard to tell because it seems to be worse in the mornings and then, it will clear for the afternoon and just when I feel like it's gone, it hits again in the evenings.

Anyway, it was good because within minutes of waking, my nurse went beyond the call of duty of care and he made me a fresh coffee. Also, because we are both Dockers supporters, that made for a good topic of conversation when he told me he was actually tipping the Dockers to lose. I questioned his faithfulness to his team and told him to harden up. I then got my normal morning tea coffee and another nurse just decided to make me a coffee as well, so I had three coffees within the hour. I would normally be flying on all cylinders with such an amount of coffee in such a short time, but because I'm shaking a cold, it was enough for me to just be alert and focused.

Not long after lunch, my friends Harry and Brian both came in at roughly the same time. It was good because I haven't seen either of them for a while and they're both friends I've had for years. After Harry left, Brian and I watched some of the Essendon v GWS game and were in genuine shock as the Giants were actually leading and playing well. It just goes to show in sport that no matter who takes the field, if you do your best, you just never know what could happen. They didn't win the game, but they certainly put in more of an effort and made it a lot closer than anyone would have expected.

After that, it was time for the Dockers game. I was pretty happy with the way it went because a few of their best players are out at the moment but it was still a good solid game from them, especially away from home. However, to be fair, Gold Coast are in only their third season of AFL football and I think with a bit more experience, they will run out games better. What really got to me though, and does nearly every time I watch a Dockers game, was the biased commentating! Every single time, it would never be about how the Dockers did something well, but about what Gold Coast could do better. Even at the end of the game, it was about how the Suns could improve from now, instead of how the Dockers played a good game and got the job done without some of their best players. It's frustrating, especially when I hear commentating from this negative angle almost every week.

Well, I'm off to rest (and try and ignore the fact it's "Star Wars Day") because as I said, this cold seems to flare up in the evenings and so I'm not feeling too great.

Friday 3 May 2013


Friday, May 3, 2013

Today hasn't been a bad day, or even an overly good day. It's been what I would call a "meh" day. The usual things happened at the usual times in the usual ways. My mood has been rather flat all day, but not exactly down about anything, just flat.

I went to sleep early (10:30 I was asleep, but that's very early for my standard considering I never sleep before midnight, unless I'm sick) last night because I was struggling with cold-like symptoms and it was really getting the better of me. I ended up sleeping twelve hours last night, which was good and I'm still not feeling the best, but I am definitely better than I was last night. However, I feel I may have slept too much and that may have contributed to my apathetic mood today.

I did hear from a couple of great people, such as MJ and Hannah Roan, which was fantastic and made me smile. They are two of those people in my life who I just don't see anywhere near enough for my liking, so when I hear from them, especially on a flat day and unexpectedly, it's a very good thing!

Earlier today, I did find myself having an "I-really-wish-I-was-at-youth-tonight" moment and I did get a bit annoyed that I'm not there again and because of something totally unavoidable. They had splitz tonight, which is one of the best nights we do at Metro Youth, in my opinion anyway. I'm sure it would be a great night, but I will most certainly be back soon.

For now, I will have to settle for reading all the youth updates and seeing all the photos on Facebook while I eat some leftover birthday chocolate cake. :)

Wednesday 1 May 2013


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Yesterday I reached 27 years of age. If you had of told me even five years ago I'd live this long, I would have laughed at you and given you a wierd look in disbelief. I have been saved from death more times than I care to count anymore (I just know it's more than 20). Also, it was the first time in my life that I have had to spend my birthday inside a hospital as an in-patient. Now, when you consider all my medical issues, that's not a bad effort. I've spent every other major date in hospital at least once in my life, but always managed to spend my birthday at home, except this year. The bright side is at least I wasn't feeling too sick.

The day started with a headache and a stuffy nose, like a cold was trying to come. I simply told my body that it is bad enough I'm in a hospital on my birthday, let alone feeling sick and I just was not going to allow that to happen. I spent the morning just lying in bed resting, listening to Switchfoot and drinking coffee and trying to ignore my body trying to tell me it is feeling sick.

Lunch time came around and from then, I started feeling a lot better. I think I just needed some soup (I had some with my lunch) and that seemed to do the trick. Then after lunch, I had a couple of staff members come in with ice-cream cake (chocolate flavour, of course) from the hospital, so I had some of that. Then not long after, I heard a male voice from outside my room singing happy birthday, but couldn't quite put my finger on who it was, but then noticed it was my friend Simon, as well as Yvonne, her daughter and Christine. Yvonne made the most epic cake ever: it was a coffee and chocolate flavoured cake with peanut M&M's on top and a Kit-Kat border. If you want proof of such epic cake, I still have some in the fridge here.

Not long after they left, Robyn and Rosemary both came in to see me and then Kurt came in and he also decided to bring me cake and sing happy birthday. After he left, my aunt came in and she gave me the most epic chocolate bowl thing from Chockeby Road (an epic chocolate shop in Subiaco). I'm not usually a selfish person, but I am not sharing that one.

After that, I got some time to rest again but later in the evening, Mum, two of my sisters and my youngest niece came in. They also brought me chocolate cake (that's four in one day) and my sisters had made me home-cooked roast beef with all the vegies. I wasn't feeling too hungry as I had feasted on cake and junk all day, but I found room for it.

Then of course, there was the phone that didn't stop all day and just before midnight, I checked Facebook and that took a while, not that I mind at all. In fact, I will say it was a good birthday because I wasn't sure what it would be like, being in hospital and all. However, people still showed they care a lot and that's really cool.

So, to those who made a special effort to come in yesterday, to those who sent messages, called and sent messages on Facebook, thanks for all the love! Here's to another year of living! :)