Friday 31 May 2013


Friday, May 31, 2013

Today was 65 Roses Day, the biggest fundraising day for Cystic Fibrosis WA on the calendar. I was a volunteer last year and we managed to sell out of roses by 3:00 pm and had to order some more. That was a great problem to have and everyone loved it! I'm hoping they had similar issues this year! I'm a bit disappointed that I wasn't able to help out this year, but I know it's not the end of the world and that my health must come first. Like run for a reason, I will be back into 65 Roses Day next year. As a result of this, Zoe has been on my mind from the minute I woke today. Not in a sad way, but just remembering the battles she faced and conquered while she had cystic fibrosis herself, especially considering I am in hospital myself at the moment. I've been missing her a lot more than normal today and have noticed the colour purple a lot more than normal, which was her favourite colour. I've been remembering some things she told me, both wise and just plain wierd ends of the spectrum. She would be happy to know I have kept my promise to try and give CF as big a punch in the face as I possibly can and that makes me smile. I hope that all of my Perth friends who were in the city, West Perth or even Karrinyup shopping centre were able to buy a rose, with all proceeds going toward research into a cure for cystic fibrosis and helping with new technology and things to assist those currently dealing with the horrible disease.

Anywho, my day got off to a bit of a false start. Somehow I woke up at the ungodly hour of around 7:20 and breakfast came right about then. Being a Friday, it was a bacon and egg burger and a pretty decent one I might add, too. The coffee wasn't a terrible one, but it was weak and as it turned out, I was still tired and at around 8:30, I went back to sleep until around 10:00. It was a tough start to the day because in winter and especially on cold mornings, my joints do not like to move. Today was definitely one of those days. I didn't mind so much because when you are in a place like hospital, it's not like you've got to be anywhere.

Once I did get up, I was still going at only half-pace, but decided I should go to the physio gym, even though lunch was only 40 minutes away. One of the female physios was with me today and she was in a grumpy mood and taking it out on me. I was stewing over a couple of things she said during my lunch that I felt were a bit tough and I took my frustration, went back to my room, picked up my dumbells, went outside and did my own physio session for around an hour near my favourite gum tree. I did feel like I was about to lose my lunch, but held it down because I will not give them the satisfaction of seeing me vomit.

Not long after, I went back to bed and couldn't even finish my afternoon tea coffee that was made for me. I pretty much hit the bed, got comfortable and it was lights out for me for the next two hours. I don't normally like napping during the day, but the good thing about napping when you are halfway through a coffee is you wake up to coffee already there. I just had to ask someone to re-heat it and because it was afternoon shift, they weren't busy and didn't mind. A negative to napping during the day is that as I write this, it's just after 10:00 pm and I am not even slightly tired. Well, like I said earlier, it's not like I need to be anywhere tomorrow so I can sleep in if I need.

My evening has been a pretty average one. Not bad, just a normal Friday evening with football when one is not at youth. With the games on tonight, I would have much rather been at youth. I watched Collingwood give Brisbane a footy lesson and nobody likes to see Collingwood win, except Collingwood bogans themselves. I then turned over to check the rugby and it turned out the Bulldogs were training the Dragons. Yeah, you saw what I did there, didn't you? I'm a tad disappointed that being a Friday night, there aren't any decent movies on at all and as a result, I was left bored which is why I have done this blog a bit earlier than originally planned.

Oh, before I go, I must say that I'm stoked as I have just discovered that the air conditioner above my bed is reverse-cycle. Goodbye seized up joints first thing on a cold morning!

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