Wednesday 8 May 2013


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Today got off to a great start with the particular nurse who has nicknamed me "Kobe" being on today, so there was lots of NBA talk and I heard Miami lost their first game in their playoff series against Chicago. I may or may not still be doing a happy dance over this.

Today was much the same as yesterday, with one exception in that it's Wednesday, which means it's doctor round day. That was a bit different today because my resident doctor has moved on to another place (sad face because she is a good doctor and has good personal skills as well). As much as I appreciate that most female doctors have decent manners and know how to treat a patient, I must admit it's good my new doctor is a male for a change. It's strange how there never used to be female doctors anywhere and now, it feels like female doctors, at least at the rank of resident, are the majority. Anyway, upon first meeting I had to go through what I've re-told to what would be dozens of doctors in the past with a full medical history. The look on the new guy's face when he realized he may need a seat as this will take a while was rather funny. He seems like a decent enough guy and knows what he's doing and is very thorough, much like my previous doctor, so hopefully he is just as good and if he is, I will be good.

He confirmed what was told to me on Monday, that I will be hopefully getting back up again on Friday, but that it is more than likely to be next Monday. I'm not too disappointed because I know they are just being honest. They said they would rather I stayed a bit longer to be certain everything goes well and I go home as healthy as possible, rather than go home not quite right and have to come back within weeks of going home.

I must admit I was silently doing another happy dance (I know, two happy dances in one day might just be overkill) when there was no mention whatsoever of when my next blood test will be happening. They pretty much always tell me every Wednesday that I'm having one and when it will be, so when it wasn't mentioned, I didn't say a thing because there is no way I'm going to make the mistake that I made a few weeks ago by telling my doctor I was missed on the blood round. Hey, you can throw anything at me medically, but I draw the line at blood tests because they freaking hurt!

Oh, before I head off for the night, I need to mention I did get to sleep last night despite the rain. I wasn't sure if I would get to sleep, but within only a few minutes of trying, the rain seemed to ease off in this area, so it wasn't an issue. Cool beans!

Lastly, it was made an official ward rule today that SpongeBob is the man!

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