Sunday 12 May 2013


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Today in Australia it is commonly known as "Mother's day." What did I do for my mother? Absolutely nothing and you know what? I don't feel even slightly bad about it. Now, that's not because I don't love my mother because I do. It's just because I'm a big boy now and she's never been one big on things like presents or nice words. Also, I think being in hospital at the moment, I have a pretty good excuse. She's always been a woman of action. Unless you can back it up and do something for her, don't bother telling her what you are going to do and how much you love her. Don't bother showering her with gifts. She'd prefer you paid her bills or helped her with the housework. She's a very practical, down to earth woman. That's not to say she doesn't like nice things, because she does. She just knows that some things are a higher priority in life than others. She really dislikes broken promises and that's probably where I get it from. It's also why I don't make promises or expect others to promise me things.

My mother is one of the most, if not the most, selfless person I know. She will go to silly lengths, sometimes even at the cost of her own health and working 2 or even 3 jobs, just to make sure her children, my sisters and I, have everything we need. For me especially with my medical issues over the years, I don't think I will ever know just how much mum (and my sisters) have had to sacrifice with time, finances, material possessions and other things just to make sure I am okay. To be honest, I don't know what I can do to repay that amount of sacrifice either. Also, I have never once heard mum complain. She'd be the one telling others to shut their complaining because nobody wants to hear about it. Whether it's life or death medical issues, being bullied constantly at school to the point where I would make myself vomit just so I don't have to go or whatever, Mum has been the one woman who I can totally rely on through it all and has not and will not ever let me give up on anything.

Also, I understand a day like this can be tough for a lot of people. I know there would be many out there who don't have a good relationship with their mum, or their mum can't be there for whatever reason. I want to let you all know if you're in that situation, you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers on days like this. I am not going to try and tell you I understand your pain because I don't and I am thankful to have a mum like I have. However, I do know that Jesus is there for you and he will rain his love on you today if you are in that kind of situation where you are finding days like this, especially with all the publicity that mother's day gets in Australia.

This is why I love how my church, Metro, call today "Honour Women Day." We do this because it was decided that just because a woman doesn't have children doesn't mean she does not deserve to be honoured and respected. Therefore I want to publicly acknowledge ALL the women in my life, even those without children and instead of just happy mother's day, I want to say happy honour women day!

Whatever kind of relationship you have with your mum, I hope you were able to celebrate her in some way today and if you couldn't, I hope it was a pleasant day regardless.

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