Thursday 23 May 2013


Thursday, May 23, 2013

I'd like to start by apologizing for the lack of a blog yesterday. It turned out to be a pretty good, but busy and tiring day and by the end of it, was just too tired and started feeling a bit unwell, so a relatively early night was had. However, today I am feeling fine and so here is today's blog.

As I said at the top, I had an early night and slept in as well. The usual case with me happened this morning as it took me a while to wake, but once I was awake today I was okay. However, there was one main difference this morning. You see, yesterday being Wednesday, the doctors did their round. While they were all very happy with my progress and in a good mood, I decided to try and see how far they were willing to bend. Every single day since admission on January 16 I've had blood-thinning injections of Clexane simply to try and prevent blood clots. However, I thought considering I am now getting out of bed consistently every day, it won't hurt to ask if the injections can cease. I thought it would be a ridiculous question and they wouldn't even think about it, but they all agreed that I'm doing well, have no history of clots and because I am getting up and moving around that the injections can cease immediately. Therefore today was my first needle-free day since January 15, the day before I was admitted into hospital. It was a bit wierd this morning not waking to the feeling of a needle, but in a good way, for sure.

Seriously, not even hearing that Miami won their NBA playoff game in overtime by one stupid point has managed to ruin my mood because of this news. I'm sure Zoe (even from heaven), Sam Chalk and Kathy most of all can understand my level of relief today because those three (from outside family) have actually been with me while I've had needles and so they understand just how much I don't like them.

Speaking of Kathy, she's got this amazing ability of randomly popping up and making my day. Take today, for example: It was around 1:15 and my phone rings. It was a number that wasn't saved in my phone and so no name came up, just a number. I immediately recognized her voice but thought it was strange because normally I'd see "Metro Church" come up on my phone as she's the receptionist. It turns out my number was under someone else's name and she'd actually intended on calling someone else. However, it was a good excuse to keep talking and she told me about some things she's doing, especially with youth which is just great. It wasn't very long but we managed to cover a few things, so it was great. She needed to get back to calling the original person she was meant to be calling and then I guess get on with the rest of her work, but the fact it was an unexpected call from my best friend had made my day.

I got up and went outside around 2:00 and against everyone else's advice telling me how cold it is outside, I decided against taking a jumper. I'm glad I didn't because where I like to sit, near the park benches and rose bushes, it was nice and warm. It was good to just sit and have some Jesus time outside today, in the sun near the trees and flowers. I was only meant to be up for an hour and a quarter today but got distracted talking to someone and ended up being up for an hour and a half. There was no issue with it and all still went fine today from a physical point of view.

As the time approached to go back inside, I found a really nice yellow rose and noticed I can reach it and so I picked it, took a photo of it and sent it to Kathy as a way to thank her just for being my best friend and for making my day, albeit unintentionally. It was cool because in reply, she said that made her day too. The yellow rose is now sitting on my table in some fresh water, looking great.

The evening has been a bit slow with just watching The Footy Show, even though it was a bit lame tonight and the eating of chocolate. You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but honestly my doctor told me yesterday to keep eating my chocolate because I'm still a bit underweight, so I'm only being a good patient and taking my medical advice seriously.

This getting up business is a bit tiring and it's nearly midnight, so that's enough excitement for one day I think.

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