Monday 20 May 2013


Monday, May 20, 2013

Today is my sister's birthday. I have four sisters, but have never had a stronger bond with any of them than I do with Zoe. She's my big-little sister, if you like. She may be taller than me but she's two years younger than me. If you break her heart, I break your face, or at least your groin. Seriously, I remember being in year six (11 years old) and she would have been nine years old. We were at school and I wanted a basketball. The jerk threw it at my face and hit me in the head with it and he thought it was funny. My sister just happened to be walking past at that exact time, saw what was happening and gave him an absolute mouthful. I can't remember if she ever got into trouble for doing that, but I have never forgot that. Even though she is smaller and younger, if she sees someone picking on someone else, she won't stand for it and she will stand up for the underdog, even sometimes to her own detriment. She's a very selfless person and will do whatever it takes to make sure those she loves are happy and have all they need. Happy quarter of a century day, Zoe.

Aside from that fact, today has been pretty average for me personally. I missed my bacon and egg sandwich because I slept in, so it was already a bad start. Then, for some unknown reason, I woke up really on the wrong side of the bed and rather snappy and grumpy. I wasn't in pain, sick and nothing really significant has happened recently to make me feel this way. I've been like this all day and I can't seem to shake this stupid mood. Feeling rather apathetic, generally over it all and I really just don't want to do anything today, so I've just lied here doing not much. I am feeling rather tired as well which is strange because I got around 10 hours sleep last night.

I do think I know what's causing it, but I would rather keep that to myself. I think sometimes it's better to just deal with things by yourself than air your dirty laundry because it can cause more drama than needs to be caused.

Today wasn't a complete write-off as I did manage to still get up and it was again without a physical issue, so tomorrow I am allowed to get up for one hour. Everyone medically is very happy with my progress at the moment and I will be starting physio in the gym next week if things keep going well.

Also, I managed to call Ticketek right on 12:00 noon when Bon Jovi tickets went on sale and I got two tickets to their Perth show, December 8. I will be taking the significant woman in my life, my mum. I must admit I am a bit excited for that! No, they are not for sale!

Well, I'm knackered and I need an early night, so I'm going to try this sleeping early thing because God knows I need it!

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