Sunday 19 May 2013


Sunday, May 19, 2013

As you should know by now, or if you already knew me before I started blogging you'd already know my mornings are slow and I don't think that anything should exist pre-9am, seriously. So I think it doesn't need to be stated that this morning was a slow one. I woke around 10 (because I could) and because it's Sunday, spent the morning with the AFL and NRL footy shows.

Then not long after lunch, I was asked if I'd like to get up out of bed. What do you think my response was? Heck to the yes! I was able to get up for 45 minutes today and I decided I'd get up in the warmest part of the day to make the most of the sun because I've seen it twice in four months. I got outside and saw all the flowers in the garden and even though some people gave me dirty looks, picked a really nice pink one. You would have seen it if you've got me on Facebook and Instagram. It's now sitting on my table in the same mug Caitlin got me for my birthday. Also, I was outside long enough to just be able to stop, listen to Sigur Ros and take in the beauty of God's creation and just smile at the world. I even attempted to nap and I think I did fall asleep for a bit. It's a rare thing to do that when one is in hospital, especially for this long! I'm glad that even though it was only 45 minutes, it felt like time stood still for a while. Seriously, it does someone the world of good to just sit and turn everything off, go outside and just sit. It reminds me that God's the one who holds it all in his hand and he knows what he's doing. Heck, if he created all of the flowers, trees, birds and the sky, surely he can hold us, right? Right!

Again there was no issue medically and I am progressing well with it all. I think the plan is for me to go to the physio gym either this week or next week to put some muscle back on. Also, on that, I was weighed this week and I'm still about 6 kilograms underweight, so they are keen to thrash me in the physio gym for a while because obviously muscle weighs more than fat and will be a quicker and healthier way to put the weight back on.

This evening has been an okay one. I watched a cool story on 60 minutes about a young boy who has cerebral palsy. Doctors said his particular case is so bad that he would never walk, sit up by himself or even talk. Well, I think he's about 10 years old and he is doing all of those things - like a boss! Stories like that really inspire me and keep me going sometimes. They remind me that I am not the only one who is living with a life-threatening medical condition and constantly defying doctor's expectations for my life.

I tried to watch Elementary as has become my custom on a Sunday night, however I was struggling to concentrate on it. Therefore I decided to just lie here and chill out. Sometimes my brain just decides it doesn't want to concentrate and it's a side-effect of my condition. With age, it has become better and I have found ways around it. However, sometimes the brain just doesn't function and this was one of those times. This is one reason why I struggled in school and why I do struggle sometimes at university, but I press on because I don't know how to quit.

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" - Psalm 46:10 (NKJV)

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