Tuesday 21 May 2013


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Today was starting off much the same as yesterday, at least mentally and emotionally. It was tough and I was less than happy. I knew right away that the thoughts of yesterday were real and really were something that needed to be dealt with. However, it wasn't going to be that simple and I didn't know where to start. It doesn't help the situation when I haven't been getting much sleep either, so I am tired as well as trying to deal with my futile emotions. Basically the morning was a write-off and not much happened, at all.

Lunch came and my day picked up from there. Lunch was lamb curry with rice and papadums and it was actually pretty good, especially considering I am in a hospital. They forgot to give me a drink and my nurse didn't mind at all getting me a fresh coffee, which is above the call of duty and I thought was nice. Afternoon tea came and there were bonus scones as well as the normal coffee and biscuits and so I got one of them.

Around that time, my day picked up considerably because I got a random (very funny, to say the least) text from Shona and because I know her well, I managed to understand what she meant. It lead to a conversation via text and because I knew she would understand, I told her how I was feeling and what was bothering me. She didn't really tell me anything profound, spiritual or even really deep, but I think just the fact she knew as she'd experienced similar things and that she really cares helped me feel better.

Then it came time to go outside and the weather was just great! Lots of people were telling me how cold it is, but if you go in the sun, it was really good! I put on my iPod, found a park bench and closed my eyes for about half an hour. I then went around the front where the flowers are and found a really big pink one and picked it for Shona, as just a small thing to thank her for being there when I needed her today. Seriously, she's that good!

I got back to bed after an hour and was rather tired, more from being out of bed than not getting good sleep. I tried to nap a bit and it did help this time. It all went well again and so tomorrow I will be allowed up for another hour again. Also, tomorrow is doctor day being Wednesday and I'm sure they will be happy again.

Well, it's a double episode of NCIS and so I'm gone, goodnight kids.

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