Sunday 5 May 2013


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Today has been one of those annoying days. Annoying because despite good sleep, my body has really disliked me all day. Around 11 onwards, this cold that's been coming has really hit me today and it's sucked all my energy, made my nose hurt and talking hurts too. However, I'm not going to spend this blog complaining about how I've got a cold because it's not been a bad day by any means. 

Aside from the cold, it's been a good day. As I said, I had good sleep and initially, woke up feeling okay. I was getting a bit annoyed that I wasn't feeling too well earlier today and just felt like I needed something to pick me up. Then, out of the blue, I got a text and wasn't initially going to look at it straight away, but I did and it was from Albert and he told me Geoff was saying that I'm awesome today in church. That was exactly the kind of encouragement I wanted to hear and so emotionally, from that point on, it's been a good day. Not long after, lunch came and it was roast turkey which is something I don't get at home because I am the only person in my whole family who eats turkey, so when I have the opportunity to eat it, I take it. I was grateful to get an orange with my lunch too because I know vitamin c helps with things like colds. 

Not too long after that, I tried to nap for a bit and I got to that sleepy stage where you can tune out from annoying noises, but didn't really manage to get any sleep, so I just drank coffee and pushed through. I wasn't too annoyed about that because then, my best friend Kathy came in and that was cool because we have that kind of friendship where we can talk about our deepest issue and then start laughing about the most lame thing ever. We have both had a lot going on in our lives, so it was good to talk properly because as good as technology is for keeping in contact in this fast-paced world, it doesn't replace face to face contact. My aunty then came in and brought me fresh coffee, an anzac biscuit and what can only really be described as an epic chocolate thing from Baker's Delight. 

Soon after, Kathy had to leave and so I tried to get that nap I couldn't get before. However, I didn't get to because it felt like every few minutes, someone needed to come into my room for one thing or another. Therefore I just decided to watch the Eagles game, even though I told my aunty I wasn't going to watch it because I don't like them. I was bored and couldn't sleep, okay? Good thing I had that bonus coffee on a day like this where my body is just running on low.

I am a bit excited for tonight though and torn for choice because Hot Rod is on and also Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life is on. What shall I do? I guess I will just have to flick between the two. I love having small issues like this because they make me realize I don't have it too badly at all, even though I'm not feeling too great physically today. 

Anyway, I'm off for some Chris Tomlin and Christine Caine book time. Have a grand night, however you spend it! :) 

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