Saturday 18 May 2013


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Today, for at least the first few hours, I felt a bit like Ian Thorpe. Not because I did anything great in swimming, but because this morning felt a lot like it got off to a false start. I woke up after not much sleep because they decided for last night I needed two hourly observations, instead of four hourly. I have no idea why they did this and it did cost me a fair bit of sleep. I woke up around 8, replied to a message on my phone, and was awake long enough for my nurse to be standing there, just waiting to give me an injection. Seriously, that's just not nice! I then managed to go back to sleep and didn't wake properly until around 10 when Aunty Coral walked in with coffee, an Anzac biscuit and a chocolate muffin thing. Now that is definitely a much nicer way to wake up! My aunt could teach some nurses a thing or two about caring. It took me a while to wake up and to be honest, I never really got out of first gear today. However, I think when you consider I am in hospital and not having to do too much at the moment, it's not a problem.

After lunch, I was given a choice as to when I could get out of bed and I decided that around 1:30 would be good. I got up again without an issue and I am finding it is becoming easier each day. I don't even feel sick at all anymore but I do still feel rather weak moving around, so I'm not doing that too much at the moment. That will probably take a little while to get back to normal, especially after being in bed for such a long time. I managed to get out and unlike the other day's sad attempt, I did see some sunshine today and that was really good. I literally just sat there and enjoyed the sound of trees, birds and not much else. No machines, medical people, nothing for 30 minutes. Shame it had to end, really. I'm also finding that when I do go back into bed, I'm not needing a nap anymore, so I must be gaining more stamina as each day progresses. Anyway, tomorrow I am allowed 45 minutes up, so hopefully I get outside again.

As I came back inside, I was flicking through and pleasantly surprised to find a game of footy on. However, thanks to some people (who will go unnamed) I saw who won on Facebook already. Yeah, gotta love delayed broadcasts of sports! It wasn't the Dockers game so it wasn't a big deal and I still enjoyed the game, even though I already knew what the result would be and I am happy Brisbane won anyway because I don't mind them.

Then, the most dramatic part of my week was about to commence: Fremantle Dockers v Sydney Swans. Just to give some background, the Dockers are missing about five key players at the moment. Sydney don't have any such worries at all and the game is played at the SCG, where Sydney can play their best and Fremantle have a poor record. I was pleasantly surprised to see us up in the first quarter, but not getting carried away as it was only a few points. To put it simply, we should have won but really we didn't deserve to win either because we had so much possession and didn't capitalize on it. However, Sydney took their chances when they had them and in the end, history will show tonight's game was the Dockers first ever draw. I honestly don't know how to feel. I guess I will just be happy that we matched it with the reigning premier with an undermanned side and on their own ground. I may or may not have been hiding behind a soft toy for the last minute of the game. One thing I have learned from the game is that not just in sport, but in life, you have to take your opportunities. Even if you only get small ones or they come unexpectedly, you've got to be ready to take them when they do come.

After that, I needed some water just to calm down. I was flicking through the channels to find something relaxing and it was funny that I was texting Brian about it last night and managed to find Back To The Future 1 and 2, back to back on channel seven, so I've been watching them. I was telling him last night that I haven't seen any of the trilogy and apparently that's a crime against nature. I can see why he said that because I am finding them rather funny. I especially like the old guy. I'm missing it so I best be off, but I must finish today with a question: Why haven't hoverboards and flying cars been invented yet?

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