Tuesday 14 May 2013


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I would like to start today's blog with an apology, so I'm sorry if this blog doesn't seem to make much sense. That's because today has been a very strange day and even as I write this, I am still trying to piece things together and make sense of my strange day. However, one thing I have learned and is probably the moral of the day is that I should probably just learn to accept some things happen just because they do. For example, night before last I didn't get much sleep, so last night I slept very well. You'd expect me to then have adequate energy for my day, right? Wrong! I have been tired all day, even with the help of my good friends, coffee and chocolate. Also, since being admitted into hospital on January 16, I've needed daily injections of Clexane, which is a blood thinner, simply because I'm not moving around much and I have had a blood clot in the past. Well today it was discovered that on the back of my legs, where I've been getting the injections, I'm coming up in bruises. I'm just going to take it as my body's way of saying that is more than enough needles, thank you! Somehow I don't think my doctors will agree and they will keep on going with the injections, despite the bruising. Insert epic sadface here! :(

Then, as I was psyching myself up for physio, despite already being in pain and tired this morning, I remembered my physio said to me last week he was taking time off and so I won't be having physio at all this week. That was a relief and so I just spent the rest of the morning with Fiction Family, a Jon Foreman side project.

I tried to nap after lunch, but was unsuccessful. I then found a cool documentary on lions on television and I learned something on it: Even the biggest and scariest looking lions can have a sensitive side. There was this one big male lion and yet he was too scared to do anything at all. The guy said he was at one stage even so scared at one stage of the grass blowing in the wind that he'd lie down and cover his face until the wind stopped. It's only through training and growing that he's learned to deal with that and later on, it showed he is now a great leader in his pride of lions. It reminded me that it is only through facing our issues and fears that we can deal with them. Also, most of the time we will be unsuccessful if we just try and do it all on our own.

I then tried to watch the usual late afternoon cartoons but unfortunately today they were boring episodes and so I didn't really watch them. So, to end today, a quote from Bart Simpson: "I will not scare the vice president."

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