Friday 3 May 2013


Friday, May 3, 2013

Today hasn't been a bad day, or even an overly good day. It's been what I would call a "meh" day. The usual things happened at the usual times in the usual ways. My mood has been rather flat all day, but not exactly down about anything, just flat.

I went to sleep early (10:30 I was asleep, but that's very early for my standard considering I never sleep before midnight, unless I'm sick) last night because I was struggling with cold-like symptoms and it was really getting the better of me. I ended up sleeping twelve hours last night, which was good and I'm still not feeling the best, but I am definitely better than I was last night. However, I feel I may have slept too much and that may have contributed to my apathetic mood today.

I did hear from a couple of great people, such as MJ and Hannah Roan, which was fantastic and made me smile. They are two of those people in my life who I just don't see anywhere near enough for my liking, so when I hear from them, especially on a flat day and unexpectedly, it's a very good thing!

Earlier today, I did find myself having an "I-really-wish-I-was-at-youth-tonight" moment and I did get a bit annoyed that I'm not there again and because of something totally unavoidable. They had splitz tonight, which is one of the best nights we do at Metro Youth, in my opinion anyway. I'm sure it would be a great night, but I will most certainly be back soon.

For now, I will have to settle for reading all the youth updates and seeing all the photos on Facebook while I eat some leftover birthday chocolate cake. :)

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